Master Prudent

Resident Evil's release has inspired me to go back and finish Alien: Isolation which I never got very far into. For some reason I got infuriatingly stuck on what I recall is the first encounter with jumpy humans post-Axel. Not this time! (Well probably this time but I'll get through it, for sure.)

And now Hellblade. I have hopes for that game. I'm very foolish I know.

The Shadowrun RPGs, Darkest Dungeon, Wasteland 2, The Banner Sagas, Divinity Original Sin and Blackguards. Probably lots of other stuff I'm forgetting.

Except there were loads of really good SF movies before 2001.

I hate to tell you this but Miranda is not an option for Femshep either. Liara aside (who strictly speaking is neither male nor female), Mass Effect is very straight until it's slightly less straight in ME3.

(Probably not a good idea to google that, btw.)

I was thinking saline balls.

If only there was a third show on tv.

Windows 10 is perfectly fine now and you're going to have to upgrade at some point if you want to play new games.

Hell even BC's Haggard is.

Nah James Vega is a more fully realised meat head.


Hoping for a mod that makes someone other than JD playable in the single player campaign.

Or just for taking a flask to work.

Pulp's This is Hardcore

My brother and I played through all of the Myst games together (although tragically we didn't finish End of Ages) and we were at each others' throats for at least half the time. "I'm going to do this." "That's not going to work." "You got a better idea?"
