MasterMario - Keeper of the V8s

Or 474.7 to 479.7 rankine. 

I spent the majority of my life living near a couple of the richest zip codes in the country. Rich people style comes in a few flavors:

Since I got this wood chipper? Fewer.

Nothing safer than going 20 when everyone else is going 50. 

Neutral: Eventually SUVs will be like stations wagons in the 70s as kids grow up and shy away from vehicles mom & dad drove because they’re not cool. As for what’s next, I think EV minivans will be popular because of their utility.

Correction: Trump is the worst president in modern times. 

In theory, I can agree with you somewhat, but...

I think you're missing the point that the majority of buyers rarely drive supercars. They put them in their garages next to their other supercars. It's ONLY about brand and status for them. 

You think racecar mowers are a red flag?  Just wait until she sees the shirt.

“how do you feel about racecar themed mowers?”

“What’s Something In Your Garage That Might Be A Relationship Red Flag?”

Many people like their cars to reflect themselves.

That’s the thing. He’s a cornered rat. He’s going to hem and haw and delay, but he knows the shit could hit the fan.

Holy shit, trolls; I’m just going to say this once. I’m a white man in his mid-30's who pointed-out that black passengers in vehicles are ostensibly more-likely to be murdered by police officers than white people.

Oh god, to live in the world through eyes like yours... where everything has to be filtered out like you looked at the internet through horse blinders because otherwise you lose your shit.... how terrible. I’m sorry you’re this insecure in your notions of how the world is.

Got myself a John Deere Model A tractor for a screaming deal because of the virus. Dude was happy to get the money. And the fact that its a tractor and not another project car means it TECHNICALLY doesn’t violate my wife’s moratorium on me buying more cars.

Or literally sell them off to junkyards as salvage-only cars, so we could get our greedy hands on the parts.

This is exactly it. You don’t have to be sympathetic, but you can be apathetic. What you can’t be is happy about someone else getting the raw end of a deal.  That makes you a dick.

I wonder if they were able to part them out, at least. I assume a scrap yard wouldn’t just arbitrarily crush / scrap a brand new, undamaged Renesis when there were many RX-8's needing new engines at 65K miles sitting in dealerships!!! 😀

But there is a difference in a heavy sympathy for those evicted and actively enjoying a person’s problems simply because it can be worse. It’s okay to be indifferent on vacation grandpa, but it just makes him look like an asshole for being so outwardly happy about strangers having problems.