MasterMario - Keeper of the V8s

90% recovery by next year sounds more like wishful thinking than forecasting

why didn’t thye just use their cars to block the street and keep the cops out?

You are not wrong. If it doesnt look exactly like this I dont want it.

I can’t wait to hear all the small truck die hards bitching and moaning about Ford giving them a small truck that isn’t a 2000 ranger.  

Yes, you are the only one.

The lack of a V8 was a huge mistake. Nobody is going to buy a V6 Raptor.

Its ok the Bronco didn’t debut with a V8. I’ll still want one after the first year model gets the bugs worked out and I’m of the camp that the V8 is not going to be with us much longer. 

Yup, here in Connecticut the entire state is subject to CBP’s egregious overreach; both because they were given some power to flaunt the Constitution in the Bush era (the path to American fascism didn’t start with Trump) and because they’re poorly trained goons and nobody holds them to account (per the ACLU).

Exactly what I was going to chip in with - plus the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform going Ka-BOOM in the Gulf of Mexico and causing unprecedented environmental damages. Then this bunch of deregulatory morons comes along and un-dos all the Obama era regulations on offshore drilling because PROFITS.

Those weren’t experiments. Those are the baseline.

“... your weird friend on the day after a poorly-chosen haircut experiment”

Remember - all that violence that Trump says could happen if Biden becomes president actually is happening while Trump is President.

The best description I’ve seen:

You take a break from it, you fall way, way behind.

I’ve been trying to get a COVID test for the past few days and I had no idea how difficult it still was.

So actually, I changed my mind. Maybe it can’t, in fact, get worse.

Is this $25 or “up to $25"? I’ve only ever participated in one class action suit and it was a complete waste of time. It was the Lennox a/c evaporator coil class action suit. The offering was a replacement evaporator including installation costs. That got whittled down to just the evaporator cost. Which got whittled

apparently about $800 a month worth