So, instead of viewing their content, on their website or their YouTube channel, you want a summary on Kotaku?
So, instead of viewing their content, on their website or their YouTube channel, you want a summary on Kotaku?
if by does fine you mean treats kotaku like her own Facebook wall, then yeah, she's doing just fine. She even summarizes someone else's video so you almost don't have to click on the video, just search the bullet point you're curious about in google and never give a+start a click at all.
why would anybody visit A+starts website the way it is portrayed up there? Every click goes to Patricia, more could be done to credit and send traffic elsewhere also. She has almost literally done everything possible, short of illegally giving no credit at all, to make visiting their site for this content pointless.…
Depends, have you ever seen kotaku rewrite an article? She attempted to do her own journalism, and showed how bad she is at it, then continued to do so in the comments, then the article was redone by her boss/editor/someone better then her, then she was back to work the next day like she wasn't involved in a…
Really? Not giving credit in the headline, not above the video, not to much other than a hyperlinked name to give credit before the link at the end of the article? The link nobody needs to click because both videos are posted here AND their work is summarized nicely so you don't even have to watch the video they put…
So you stole something from someone who stole something?
I'll take credit for that! She's the worst. Not sure what I like worse, her writing style or her taste in games.
Patricia is back like nothing happened! And she's back with clickbait headlines of someone else's work!
"ten things you didn't know about mega man" would be her headline. The article would be someone else's video and her with shitty bullet points under it.
Please never write again. Or if you do, actually come up with your own articles and not reposting others interesting stuff.
And fire her.
And continuing to do so in the comments.
to go along with her click bait articles that are just videos she got elsewhere, with an article title making it sound like original content.
Haha, I also have intelligence to understand what inferred means. They play different sports. You are dumb to think they have to qualify he is the USMNT leading scorer during a men's broadcast, it's inferred they're not comparing his sport with a different sport.
it's not sexist, you're stupid. Context is everything, USMNT is implied during a men's World Cup, go be outraged elsewhere
Kinda sad you don't agree, they're different sports, context is everything.
It's implied when talking about men's soccer that he's the leading scorer of the USMNT, but you can be stupid and go of on a rant like it's not.
At some point, will an athlete see one of these and do everything on the list with his friends to get attention? Get a camera crew, get a driver, get alcohol, go around all day doing all of these things and taking pictures along the way.
And actually watching it over and over, Rousey doesn't go for the kill shots knowing she's shut down. Good for her, Sara admitted after the fight that's exactly what happened. The ref stepped in after 2 weak punches, also determining the liver shot was a kill shot and the 2 weak punches were very nice. High level and…
Way to close to home for a UFC fan, very good write up.