
Rousey didn't jump on her to finish her, she knew it was over and was kind enough to not mess up McManns face when she wasn't defending it. If Rousey jumps her and beats her, she's vilified for jumping an injured opponent.

I still am waiting for a surefire first round draft pick to skip their last year of eligibility and do absolutely nothing except work out and NOT get his body beat up for 6-9 months right.

Scrapple, cut thin, baked in the oven for about 10-15 minutes a side depending on your oven about 400 is perfect.

What's the youngest age you would put your own child in tackle football?

If you had a child playing sports, we'll say 13 years old, how long would you want them to sit out of their sport of choice after being diagnosed with a concussion? How long would you want them out of all physical activity after getting concussed? And, finally, how many concussions would you allow your child to get

Probably been said before, but NHL 2014 has an NHL '94 mode. It's awesome. The real game is great but the NHL '94 mode is amazing with friends.

9 words of commentary/joking get 2 paragraphs from an Arsenal hater.

Last team to make Bayren look bad?

Everybody has flaws, love all the people acting like Arsenal's are going to show through when all the other teams have already pulled a Pee-Wee.

Bloody mahvelous

I went to school at Framingham State in Massachusetts in winter 2002, aka TOM BRADY IS GOD TIME!

If A-Rod's leaks were OK in the first place, we wouldn't even be here.

Can't argue with him either.

Yeah, last year game changing whiffs. Still had nice passing last year, just 0 finishing.

Giroud, game changer.

Why the NFL should let players smoke pot (The actual length the article needed to be.)
It's 2013, we're no longer stupid.

With all the discussion around Johnny Foosball and other college athletes following the PC/good role model/stay far away from trouble/whatever else, think about this guy.

And to me, that pretty clearly means he's dodging the question with a "sure, some people think that" instead of "here's the answer to that with my personal opinion"

Hockey only does this for the regular season, no shootouts in NHL games that matter in the playoffs.

He's dodging every question for some reason