So, are they ill informed ideals, or intelligent ones based on your research?
So, are they ill informed ideals, or intelligent ones based on your research?
Near identitcal list, but grape soda is down below hit by car and orange/cherry are interchangeable based on brand.
TY, need more of both in my life I guess
How silly are teams paying for strikers that score goals but don't make teammates better? Seems to me they have the easiest job on the pitch, why do they get all the money? The rest of the team has to defend and get them the ball, aren't they overrated?
The US helped Mexico look good early by playing Rt. 1 soccer too. When they got away from just doing that, they controlled most of the game.
If Giroud keeps putting the ball in the net and Walcott can actually find people with his aerial crosses, I'm sold on this team challenging for the league title and anything is possible in tournaments. Man U/Chelsea haven't impressed me yet, and trading Torres/Lukaku/Ba for Torres/Eto/Ba means nothing until one of…
Clearly people who never played sports write about sports.
Chugging Gatorade always seems like a great idea, until you have to actually play a sport after drinking a "sports drink".
Debating getting this game for 2 reasons.....
Still not sure how and why he decided what color to dye what part of his hair/facial hair.
NBC giving free/cheap access to all games in a sport that needs every single fan it can get as long as you have a cable subscription, brilliant idea!
Gotta have an accredited lab to test samples that will be hiding stuff that won't be detected for another 5-10 years anyway.
Steven Tyler, worst voice ever.
The cousin of the text about something you can't help with is someone (wife/gf) making noises/saying words when a "problem arises" (never a problem, just some minor annoyance) without actually wanting a response.
Asshole of the year award nominee......
I barely played the past 2 years, and the few times I pick it up it's the exact same game, figure out how to "follow your blockers" in the running game, call safe enough D's with a random blitz in, figure out which of the slants/screens/outs/deep routes/etc work and, the biggest similarity in each game.....
I loved the vision cone, and it was unusable on that year on the 360.
There are always flaws to improve in a game, there are always ways to alter a game, there are always cosmetic upgrades to a game.
The great gameplay, the revolutionary half time show that still hasn't been repeated by another sports game and if you care about decorating your apartment and phone calls and not the gameplay and presentation, well, who cares.