
Multiplayer, with boosts and weapons coming from how fast and accurately you text while driving in the game. Like Mario Kart, except when you run over the item boxes it gives you a phrase to type, you do it faster and accurately you get longer boost/better weapon and weapons are still dealt out like Mario Kart based

Still glad you agreed, you're dumb.

Glad you agree.

Uhhhhh, I didn't say the USA moron, you are what is wrong with the entire land mass.

You are what is wrong with America, I hope you never reproduce

You are what is wrong with America, I hope you never reproduce.

As it should have, it's funny.

The worst thing in sports is calling non-sports sports, like NASCAR/MLB/Golf/Bowling, etc.

I work in a Dr. office, there's an entire generation of people about to retire that STILL USE PEN AND PAPER FOR RECORD KEEPING.

Anyone who prefers pen is good at math/English

Does it change if it's a pen with ink that smears if you dare drag anything across it? I can't write with some pens because my left hand follows my right, so the entire left half of some papers is smeared, but the right half is perfect (horrific) penmenship.

Lets hope porn is not the XBone's Destiny


You think correct, someone says all moods I'll try to prove them wrong.

You say every mood, I'll take the easy joke.

Pencil vs. Pen.... WHO YA GOT???

Every mood except 1 I hope.....

And what percentage of athletes are accused of rape vs. the general college population? What percentage of accusations are confirmed vs. gen pop? What percentage are recanted vs. gen pop? What percentage are recanted because the female wanted the attention of accusing a famous student (not insinuating it's many,


Hilarious. A new near-low for Jezebel.