I love that people still write columns based on the color/ethnicity of someone and not how stupid/juvenile their haircut/facial hair is.
I love that people still write columns based on the color/ethnicity of someone and not how stupid/juvenile their haircut/facial hair is.
There are 2 demographics I feel like you're referring to, but I won't mention them for fear of starting a flame war.
Especially with regards to music choices. Fever & Chill FTW
You left out the "I'm going to state my opinion, ignore and not mention any of your opinions, restate my opinion, then tell you you're stupid without actually DISCUSSING or MENTIONING your opinions and why I disagree, just tell you yours are completely wrong" bias.
Going by common abbreviations that sign says
Ah, sticks and stones, blah blah blah at its best.
NJGooner, where in NJ? Got the Arsenal watching group ready for 10 AM in the burbs of Philly!
17 at West Brom = ?? at Chelsea
His favorite song?
Chelsea will win the league because of....
Another example of if your have a restraining order out on somebody, probably shouldn't listen to their mother who asks you to let it lapse so you don't ruin his roid rage fueled life.
Yeah, you used words on the internet that won't affect anybody with a functioning human brain.
You're dumb, you CAN actually delete someone/stop them from contacting you on Xbox Live. You cannot do that in real life. Threats made face to face are threats and should be treated as such, "threats", if you're dumb enough to feed the troll and believe he's going to magically impregnate her over the internet, then…
Imaginary rape, imaginary babies, all through the virtual rape section of the internet.
Still new
So you take seriously that someone is going to rape, abuse, and then force abort your imaginary baby, all through the WWW?
Oh, so he's raping her over Xbox live?
They are valid, but there's thousands of others and people are assuming Xbox was doing nothing, they just didn't tell her what they were doing, and she knew he wasn't banned.