
Soccer = no commercials + year round + international


You need to go back to school and learn to read and analyze an entire idea, not just the part you want to argue with. $90 to get Alpha access from Kickstarter = $90 for Alpha access through Steam. Clearly, charging the same thing for the same access is unfair, if you need to go back to school.

I don't care who started it, I'm a guy who clicked on a cross post from Deadspin. I'm linked to a post on Jezebel, posts I usually enjoy reading cause, well, I'm not completely un-sexist and thought provoking stuff about how wrong I think/am/could be is interesting. The italics are keys, because they are discussion

Thank you, for someone with this platform to spew hate towards people that showed interest in the cause/point of Jezebel is unacceptable.

To sum up this article of anger...

Very level headed responses to a comment that could be interpreted as "not PC" or worse.

Instantly called the PK, which usually means an instant yellow, crazy crazy oversight the announcers didn't mention for a couple minutes

All playoff games are live on TV across the country

George himself said he has to make Lebron shoot a jumper in his postgame interview, that's not how he played D he over-committed and, well, easy layup ensued

Wise man once say, he who uses numbers in front of paragraphs is not confident in his writing (or pretentious, or bad at transitions, or anything else wise man would say)

She should go to jail and be forced to graduate college (again if she already did) to prove she's smart enough to ever be behind the wheel again. Hit and run is horrible, I hope in England the penalties are worse.

I did not say that, there were 4 points above, not 1. If you can't maintain speed and are on a wide enough road/shoulder/bike lane, good for you, that's a safe thing to do for you and those other people who, you know, drive cars and have planned a schedule around going at car speeds. Way to take offense to one out

The licensing part is an extension of my initial point. I posted to this board to start a discussion, one of the reasons is ideas I didn't have at first, like licensing, would be a start. Bikes are expressly permitted on public roads, and they take advantage of that in the 4 ways I listed above. My ideas are just

Then show me the line that says I want to hit cyclists, not just the line that if they are ignoring safety and common sense, yeah, it's basically their fault. It's an extreme idea, true, but I'll stand by that statement all day that the person being unsafe on a bike should/could be at fault for an accident involving

Good for you, instead of responding with insults and posting a picture of a road clearly marked with bikes, meaning a road meant for bikes, you could have responded with a discussion or a counter point, instead you resorted to name calling, instantly. You may read into my hatred for bikes all you want, actually it's

Never said anyone wants to hit cyclists, or should hit cyclists. I assumed, wrongly, that people would realize it's never OK to hit anyone with your car. Exercise improves brain function, you should stop being so lazy, get some exercise, your brain functions will improve and then you would understand my sentences

Cursing me off, calling my ideas nonsense garbage rules when clearly, they are simply ideas to make the road safer and then posting a picture of a road clearly designed for cars/bikes to illustrate your point against my point that.... there are roads for bikes, use them and stay off roads that are dangerous for bikes?

Better than being rude by fat, like a slow biker going up a hill. Get in better shape and maintain your speed better like you said you couldn't do above, you might be less angry and a less rude biker.

And those roads look perfectly wide and planned for bikers, not at all the type of road I was talking about. Continue making my point.