
That explains the rage then, you should exercise more.

I never hit a bike, you're talking to the wrong person. You must have me mistaken for somebody who is rude on the road, like most bikers.

Nothing is required of bicycles or bicyclists that I know of including any road safety courses, which would be part of my point. Construction vehicles are operated by licensed people, right? That need to respect the road and other drivers, or they lose their license, right? Those vehicles have license plates to

Stay off the road if it's to narrow with no shoulder, pretty simple. Fuck you putting everyone else at risk that has to go around your slow ass. Oh, yeah, other people, the 99% that drive. How dare they want the roads safe.

I can make a longer list for cars if you would like, drivers are horrific, oh, wait, you don't care. You just wanted to rant about cars being evil, because you bike I'm going to go out on a limb and guess. You're slow enough to miss the points I made so follow along right behind me. Stay away from the major ideas

Bikers should not be on any major road, any road that has no shoulder, should be able to bike the speed limit (including uphill) and should ride single file. If they are doing those things, they're cool. If they are failing to do any one of those things and they get hit (except the speed limit part, that's just rude

People don't care what they look like or if they are judged by other people when they are on their own personal time? Sounds enlightened and intelligent to do what makes you happy, screw anyone who judges you for your appearance on your personal time.

Puck don't lie, but sometimes officials stretch the truth

There's almost always clues the chaos is coming, except when it's a surprise 8 bombs falling out of a party ball in the middle of battle. Sometimes, chaos does win in Smash, but that's why we do stock 5.

I have friends who don't enjoy competitive stuff, but everyone enjoys fun. Non-competitive people man up and have a tiny bit of competition with Mario Party, I lighten up and have a little fun. I'm sure everyone of us has played a game, on a regular basis, dumber than Mario Party which gets brought on 5 times a year

It's chaos if you aren't expecting it, the skill is actually being prepared for the chaos and learning what it is and being ready for it. But, even the best gamer gets beat in Smash 50% of the time against any average group of 4

Bumper balls with 4 humans is amazing

I don't always play Mario Party games, but when I do it's knowing it's just for fun. Playing a game, for fun? You and I just like to watch the world burn apparently.

Smash = skill and fun, Mario Party = luck, but fun, NSMB = fun, but chaos. 3 games, nothing to do with each other except Mario and "fun" with the quotes added cause Mario Party is "fun" and the other 2 are just fun.

And, water/flavored water/anything to drink without artificial sweeteners or calories is a must


I know 1 fat regular marijuana smoker. I know 0 regular marijuana smokers that I look at and go "Wow, that's a pot smokers out of shape body" and 0 that look significantly worse/fatter than they did a few years ago. Every regular drinker I know, however, I look at them and go "Wow, that's a drinkers body" whether

This is also about a woman claiming to be "too hot" and then going to her VERY public forum with Gloria Allread dressed like you see above. Skintight clothing to what amounts to a public courtroom? Way to much makeup for a professional setting? Orange tan? I highly doubt she was told anything other than "too

thank you for a voice of reason, apparently innocent until proven guilty doesn't matter if you hire Allred

I tried saying this but got comment snarked, she very well could have interviewed wearing something very professional (or just been given the temp job without going in) and then changed her wardrobe when she started working there. I also doubt they said "too hot" they probably said "too tight" which is a horse of a