This is exactly right. The only thing is, maybe since the Olympic hockey is now obsolete, the World Cup will start to take its place.
This is exactly right. The only thing is, maybe since the Olympic hockey is now obsolete, the World Cup will start to take its place.
It won’t be like that because the WJC is a level playing field. As stated in the article, Russia can use players from the KHL, which is where a lot of their good players still play. It will pretty much be Russian pros vs Canadian and American jr and college players. The tournament is just a mess now.
As a Canadian, the 2010 OT goal by Crosby to win the gold medal is one of the most memorable moments of my life. The fact that there’s no longer any chance of that makes me seriously depressed.
Well considering Vancouver now has the 15% foreign home buyers’ tax, I’ve read that a lot of wealthy Chinese are heading for Toronto now, so it would make sense if they’re joy riding over there instead.
Don’t take this away from me.
I can understand how Asian people may think Westerners look alike, but at the same time at least we (Westerners) have different hair color, eye color and our facial attributes tend to range more.
There’s an old historic brick building next to my apartment that has an archway that cuts through the middle. It’s fucked how many times I walk by there and see some IG “model” with a friend taking photos against the brick. WHO DOES THAT?
I wonder if modeling agencies are getting nervous that they’re getting cut out. They’re really just a middlemen. Successful Instagram models get a lot of followers on their own (by being hot) then get product endorsements and it starts to snowball.
This is what I also find BS. If I understood correctly, she was penalized 2 strokes for “incorrect ball placement” and 2 strokes for recording an incorrect score. The incorrect score came as a result of not knowing she had been penalized 2 for the incorrect ball placement, did it not?
A friend of mine is currently biking from Vancouver to the tip of Argentina. He’s actually made it to Argentina now, so he’s almost done.
I don’t mean to sound like I’m so great or anything, but I can’t believe how big of dorks all the other parents are. One dad has a kid who also plays on my son’s hockey team. At the rink one time I started asking if he wanted to go upstairs for a beer and before I could even finish he was like “NOPE”. Now he…
It’s weird, I always thought there were separate men’s and women’s restrooms because women didn’t want to smell our big shits. At least that’s what my dad told me.
I let me kid wear whatever the hell he wants and he usually wants to wear a hockey helmet and pads so I don’t worry too much about the car-seat or even wearing a seatbelt. Ya.
I absolutely love brussel sprouts. Like to the point I eat them 5 days a week. Boil them for a few minutes then cut them in half and fry them for a couple minutes, they’re delicious.
Do they just wait there, looking for customers to come out with a bunch of building materials, who potentially will need help building something?
I now see your point!
That may be pushing it, but honestly, I don’t understand the appeal of a very large bathroom. I like getting out of the shower and having the towel right there, then turn to my left to access the sink, etc. Why would I want to have to walk between everything?
This boggles my bloody mind.
It seems like it could be so much better designed though. Especially since the outside looks nice and not too small. Japan is usually praised for their excellent architectural design too.
What part? We have Home Depots all over in Vancouver. The parking lots are a better place to play hide and seek, because of all the garden sheds they have on display outside.