Dude. It’s all relevant. Winning the gold medal in women’s hockey shouldn’t be compared to men’s.
Dude. It’s all relevant. Winning the gold medal in women’s hockey shouldn’t be compared to men’s.
I agree with a lot of what you’re saying, but honestly the fact that men and women play a different style is not the reason for the difference in caliber. The quality between the men and women isn’t even remotely close. Don’t mean to sound like a jerk, but that’s the truth.
I actually had to scroll to the top of your comment to see if it was something I posted before and forgot about lol. I agree completely.
That’s irrelevant. They play against much, much lower competition. Shouldn’t you be paid based on your skills?
That’s like saying a high level software engineer at Google should be paid the same as a new software engineer at a hole-in-the-wall startup in someone’s basement.
There may have been a few other users, but I don’t think it was anywhere near what it would be if steroids were fully legal.
Oh, I literally told them to fuck off myself (I’m that type of person). They were two bimbo looking chicks who, lets be honest, were clearly escorts of some sort.
Wow. I just googled and checked out their website. I spent 15 minutes on it and still have no idea what they actually do, which is a surefire sign it’s a scam. Plus I want to punch the found guy in the fucking face, just looking at his photo and reading his profile. He’s an “insightful, visionary family man!” But…
Wow. I just googled and checked out their website. I spent 15 minutes on it and still have no idea what they actually do, which is a surefire sign it’s a scam. Plus I want to punch the founder guy in the fucking face, just looking at his photo and reading his profile. He’s an “insightful, visionary family man!” …
That also goes for Texas. When I was there for business I asked a co-worker who lives there whether they had any good sushi restaurants anywhere. He looked at me like I asked for any good human-meat restaurants.
I think it’s all relative so it would be equally exciting either way. I’d actually prefer the former (no steroids) to the latter, because it keeps historical records relevant and applicable. If steroids became legal in sports, all records would go out the window.
But if everyone did steroids then their feats would just become the norm. You wouldn’t have amazing outliers like Lance Armstrong and Mcgwire. The current best athletes would still be the best, just on a different scale.
Where is his business located? If he moved it to North Carolina and marketed it as being owned by the guy who called the UNC-Kentucky game, he’d probably make a fortune.
A lot of restaurants do that now, to the point it’s become a trendy “thing”.
I agree with you, but then you get idiots who freak out when their seat is given up. My gf and I go to this really nice sushi restaurant for special occasions. Last time these 2 goofs walked in, went straight to the front of the line (which was for people who already had reservations and were waiting for their table…
It’s rude not to cancel any appointment or reservation anywhere. Doctor, hair-dresser, restaurant, etc. It fucks the business over because then they’re sitting there for 30 mins - 2 hours or so, without any business, while they often could’ve filled that spot last minute even, if you just called to cancel.
I’ll tell you what’s stopping people: ignorance.
That sounds like more of a prank than a piece of art.
Lol, let’s be honest you’re not talking to any Canadians about free-speech, you’re just pulling shit out of your ass.
Wtf are you talking about? Among other things that I don’t understand from your comment, they don’t ban opinions in Canada. Canada is free-speech, more so than in the US. I don’t know if you’re just trolling or if you’re really just sheltered and ignorant.