
Ya, I did that in a museum in Paris. I had a new DSLR and when the flash is down and the camera automatically detects it needs it, it pops up and takes the picture. I actually didn’t realize it had popped up and the flash went off, two seconds after the guide said “remember no flash photography”.

What I’m saying is being born here makes me outright Canadian, regardless of whether I’m Chinese or Muslim by heritage (of which I am neither). I think what you’re asking is am I white? And the answer is yes, I’m white, but you don’t have to be white to be a Canadian.

I honestly can’t figure out what you’re talking about. French Canadians and Europeans on the other side of what?

Being born and raised in Canada would make me 100% Canadian. But no, to answer your question I don’t have an Asian ethnicity in me, what does that have to do with anything?

When I was in Orlando every single cab and Uber driver smelt like shit, so I guess Americans don’t wear deodorant either.

Okay, maybe I was exaggerating a little, but if I wake up at 6AM and don’t eat by 10AM, then I’m starting to get a little cranky and not feeling great. It’s not like I’m nauseous to the point I’m falling over.

Born and raised in Canada. Never met a male who didn’t regularly wear deodorant (other than kids). Seems like another dumb American making a really stupid generalization.

...I was once stuck on a 14 hour flight from Taiwan next to an elderly-Indian couple who (I assume for religious reasons) weren’t wearing deodorant. I made it halfway before I threw up, which was partly due to my nausea from the turbulence, but I’m confident I wouldn’t of been near puking if they didn’t wreak.

Um, ya. That’s not a normal everyday thing to do. If I go 4 hours without food I usually feel pretty nauseous. And no I’m not even close to overweight.

I don’t believe him. Changi airport is a consensus pick as one of, if not THE top airport in the world. I’ve been there, they have a fucking public swimming pool to use while you wait to board. I can’t say that I’ve flown out of every gate obviously, but I think it’s safe to say they thought to put a bathroom

Your English has funny.

If I was gay I’d marry you.

I watch sports, but other than that, TV shows are the boringest fucking things ever invented. They’re like long, super drawn out movies, with less budget. And I don’t even like movies that much.

The thing I hate most about laundry is when you take clothes out of the drier to fold, they’re so dry that they suck the moisture out of my hands to the point they hurt. I know I’m weird.

My gf wears nothing but a hoodie and spandex on planes.

I’d bet my life on it that Lavar has ripped those kids apart on the car ride home after a game where they probably played unbelievable, yet not up to his standards.

But, I don’t think he just wants what’s best for his sons. He wants to get in on the potential money his sons could attract and he wants to use them to promote his own brand. If it wasn’t for the money I’d bet he wouldn’t give a fuck if they made the NBA or not.

Jesus. I was just offering up a hyperbole to make a point, I wasn’t offering it as fact. When I said that the men make generate $9 as revenue and the women make $1, I wasn’t actually stating that the men make 9 times the women. I was simply saying that regardless of how much the men make, the women shouldn’t

I absolutely could not agree with this more and I agree that the women probably deserve more than they’re currently getting. I just don’t think that they argument that the men get X, therefore the women should get X, is always logical.

I’ll remember to mention my spunk to my boss next time I ask for a raise....if that’s all it takes.