If she was a real person with real feelings and emotions, sure, I’ll learn to say it right.
If she was a real person with real feelings and emotions, sure, I’ll learn to say it right.
Before the whole comment thread gets out of hand with all sorts of righteous posts, let the people who like senran kagura enjoy the news, including the ones stateside.
Not a big fan of Anita, but I don’t really disagree with anything she says in this video. The only thing that really concerns me is the mentality I often see *surrounding* the conversation on body diversity in games.
Liana Kerzner has expressed on multiple occasions a concern that the feminist discussion surrounding…
Billy really is doing God’s work. #MakeAmericaBrannigan
I think companies really need to get out of the habit of hiring SJWs just because the internet demands it. It only encourages censorship and bullying other people into believe what you want
Her costume is based on real life japanese female wrestlers, who wear exactly that type of stuff. Just because a culture is foreign to you it doesnt become “ridiculous”
The city of Minokamo in Gifu Prefecture, Japan thought it would be a good idea to try to boost tourism with anime…
Sighhhhh... why did I have to live in one of the world’s shittiest countries and not some awesome place like that...
Can’t wait for them to include this version of female Link so that then Kotaku and Polygon can complain about her having a crossbow, which clearly indicates she is being discriminated against because no one thinks she’s strong enough to pull a longbow or swing a heavy sword like male Link.
To be honest with you, I don't have a problem with this. While it isn't my kind of thing, a lot of research has shown that both men and women have these kind of 'rape fantasies', and this porn is obviously causing no one harm to produce.
I'm more upset that it will also be coming to 360 than I am about the timed exclusivity. How are we going to embrace the next generation if we're holding games back to release them on older systems?
A live action Dragon Ball Z sounds silly, doesn't it? Maybe that's why this depiction of Dragon Ball Z, which is…
There is no question that this season's break-out anime is Kill la Kill, the newest anime by the creators of Gurren…
Before I go and panic buy this... Is this any good? I'm a Street Fighter KOF guy rather than a Blaz Blue or Guilty Gear.