
Samoas are the best but specifically the family dollar version. Has a much better texture. I do remember there was a dulce de leche cookie I really liked which wasa probably my favorite. Thin mints are definitely my least favorite, chocolate toothpaste, no thanks

This shit is all kinds of crazy. First off, can we all just admit that the idea that “The Royal Family” is in anyway royal, regal, noble or otherwise distinct and special is just about as real as Santa in the Parade. Sure, we tell our kids that the dude in the red suit has magical powers and will bring them special

This!  She was expected to play a role in an ancient institution, to be deferential, and it was not all about her and she was expected to care about protocol.  I do think she naively thought otherwise.  That is how I see it, based on everything I’ve read.  It obviously was not for her, so it’s good she got out and

Katherine, no one cares whether it was your money or your zaddy’s, we care that you chose to give it to.... the GOP

My partner and I have "joke" about digging a paupers grave in the yard and shooting each other at the same time when it's time to "retire."

Three whole years away from the cutoff doesn’t mean you’re “lumped in” with millennials, you are definitively a millennial.

The great thing about cargo shorts is they’re never in style. Thus helping the wearer achieve a zen-like state of permanent dorkitude. Plus plenty of pockets.

Shoot them in the face.

Why are we giving SJP free advertising for her vanity project again?

Carrie would TOTALLY pivot to instagram influencer/podcaster territory. It’s just, like, no one has asked for this, right? I was done with them after the 3rd or 4th season, let alone that first and second movie (the second movie was the veritable nail in the coffin).

I don’t feel bad about judging people at all during this. When I see a moron walking around the store 9 months into the pandemic with his nose sticking out of the top of his mask, then he deserves to be mentally labeled in my head as a fucking idiot.

I don’t see anyone shaming anyone for going to work. I see people shaming other people for going on vacations, going shopping maskless, and going to clubs/bars. None of which anyone HAS to do. I know this because I’ve managed to not do it in almost a year!! Because being responsible is not limited to people with

Kim was completely misused and underused. She was given the worst lines and the terrible story arcs.

The flu. I shit you not, he swears it’s the flu. He says it’s the flu and the hospitals are getting paid to call it COVID. His wife works in a hospital lab that’s done nothing but COVID for months now, and she won’t talk to him about it anymore. 

I agree that our election process is totally borked, but let’s not disrespect those grannies that showed up and worked through the night during a damn pandemic.

Man, who let Brett Kavanaugh out of his house?

I was listening to a podcast a while ago in which one of the guests described Chicago-style pizza as “like a casserole that someone’s left on the windowsill for several days until it rotted.” I can understand not liking a certain style of pizza, but the over-the-top and completely absurd denunciation that deep-dish

I’m sorry that your opinion on this matter is wrong. 

Because the way to beat ridiculous food elitism is even more ridiculous food elitism.

The sad part, and by sad I mean blood boiling, is that “who gives a fuck about Christmas?” is very likely more damning to Melania than “who gives a fuck about Mexican refugees?”