its very common for second seasons of TV to be of a lesser quality than the first. They have a term for it: Sophmore slump.
its very common for second seasons of TV to be of a lesser quality than the first. They have a term for it: Sophmore slump.
Do they get payed for this? If not, how do you put in that many hours a day week after week?
This attitude was reflected on social media as the Deadpool conversation continued.
Personally, I enjoyed Arkham Knight’s traversal much better than Zelda’s. Gliding around and zipping under things in that game...mmmm.
Let me guess... you’re a Battlefield fan? ;)
Give me Band of Brothers in video game and I’m sold.
This looks like it could be solid! I’m sold on anything with Maul in it. Fingers crossed.
I didn’t think Yooka-Laylee came out for Switch on the same day as every other console...
I know it’s already been said, but kudos for the links/snarky message A+
Two months? The game came out a little over two weeks ago at retail.
Got Infinite Warfare, and that campaign is great. Multiplayer not so much.
That guy moved nothing but his fingers, that’s not being “physical.”
Look at this
It’s been said by Phil Spencer the Scorpio won’t be that expensive. I even got a link!
I don’t even care what the game will be like, that’s damn clever though.
Titanfall 2 for $27 at Walmart did me in. Must’ve been the same for a lot of people, it’s less then ten seconds for me to find a match most times!
THIS. Love Mahershala Ali.
Really excited for this! I think I'm one of the only people who loved DR3.