He’s an aquired taste. Personally, I find him to be my favorite director of all time, and I think Twin Peaks: The Return is the finest piece of film/tv ever created.
He’s an aquired taste. Personally, I find him to be my favorite director of all time, and I think Twin Peaks: The Return is the finest piece of film/tv ever created.
I gave this movie a one star rating on rotten tomatoes because I genuinely think it’s a 2/10. This movies writing is TERRIBLE, the fight scenes are unfollowable, and Brie Larson gives a wooden performance. She’s a good actress, so I don’t know what happened here. It’s a waste of potential.
I know people hate Green Book, but I actually genuinely enjoyed it. The acting is incredible, the cinematography is good, and it had a message that made me feel hopeful for America when I left. It wasn’t as good as Roma but it was my second favorite film for sure (only the last 10 minutes of BlackKKlansman gave me the…
Dern is a very good actress, but come on now... her role in the last Jedi WAS shit.
Gina, call Nintendo! I accidentally bought payday 2 and they refunded my entire $50 purchase! They only do it once, however!
(Potentially) Unpopular opinion: the Black Panther album is great, but as a soundtrack it’s terrible.
Website complains about the emmys. Let’s see how many articles it posts about the Emmy’s when the time comes around. Me thinks a lot...
please skip to 2:50 in this video
This girl gets 50 likes on a tweet. Why is she newsworthy again?
Anyone else think this is a way to drive more digital sales??
The amount of links in this article are scarier than anything Zack Snyder could’ve done to the DC Universe.
I regrettably missed the first season, but Atlanta is the only show I actively want to seek out and watch at the moment. Donald Glover is incredible.
Elizabeth Moss is great, I’m happy she’s doing so well.
YESSSSSSS to Link’s footsteps! I thought I was the only one who found them incredibly satisfying
Is that... Lindsay Bluth?
Ummm... George Lucas had Anakin be the son of a slave. I know it’s cool to hate on old Georgie but come on now...
If this had come from anywhere but Daily Mail... maybe
This video was fantastic, Mr. Rogers. 10/10.