
Siding with South Korea in the Korean war. They hate South Korea as much as they hate us.

Looks like they have HP and Dell computers judging by the keyboards I saw in the pictures. Interesting that they don't get Lenovo or Asus.

Fallout 3. If I remember right your character can actually drink out of the toilet.

hmm, I got 80 wpm doing the same site as you ( but when i did the test in the article I only got 30 wpm. Try the test on the site and post back your results. Its much harder when its not words and just some random jibberish.

lol, i want one but i'm afraid to wake up to penis toast.

Lisa Ann is my number 1, not sure how you've never heard of her.

Sort of accurate. Most of the time guys will be looking at think texting and driving is bad wait until the slogans for "glassing and driving" come out.

Now playing

lol, this is rap? Because it seems this generation doesn't know what real rap is (I'm only 26 and I'm talking about my generation not knowing true rap) below is a link to a true rap song as an example. Kanye West is not rap, drake is not rap, tyga is not rap, etc.

Where is the recipe? I'd love to try out this spanish crescent.

um, seems like I just watched a first person view of an acid trip.

The number one thing I hate about exercise is REPETITION. It is boring as hell but all workouts are based on repetition. Lift this 10 times, squat here 5 times, run around this circle 3 times, etc. How is that fun and not mind numbing to people? Thats the only reason why I don't workout, its extremely boring with

Luckily she didn't do a ton of "um"s but, my god, her constant deep nasal breathing was so distracting. I started to time the in betweens of those deep nasal breaths. Quite distracting.

Ahh ok, thanks for that bit of information as I didn't factor in size of the meteor. Makes a bit of sense now. Thanks.

Its just a little scary to know we knew nothing about this asteroid that caused so much damage and got so close to earth. Definitely makes you wonder what else our telescopes are not able to see out there that could very well hit earth at full impact and start another ice age.

I hate these inspirational messages that are so vague. "Learn to code".....oh so learning to code simply HTML is going to get me a job a Facebook? No. What should I learn to code? Thats the key........Say "we need more ruby coders" or "C++ is where its at".....not something as vague as "learn to code". Thats like

Disable Google Currents. I had the same issue and once I disabled Current (from a forum posting I saw) I had all my battery life back.

What monitors are those? Also, is that door stop stand just a piece of wood you painted black or a particular shelf? I'm curious as I'm in the market for a new set of dual monitors and I have a glass desk like you so the door stop stand is a good idea and I might duplicate your black "shelf".

You beat me to the comment on porn music to this video. Well done, sir.

And if it wasn't blocked this article would be spinned as "HOR too busy streaming music by spotify then to pass legislature to help our country"

I remember seeing the one episode they aired of this on TLC and thought it was interesting. Going to have to check it out on youtube now.