
Here’s the thing: you’re supposed to be teaching your children how to become well-adjusted adults. Do you honestly think the lessons of “don’t bother respecting boundaries”, “never confront discomfort or fear”, “be short-sighted and go for immediate gratification at the expense of long-term profit”, and “throw a

So your selfishness is creating children who will have attachment issues to mommy while driving the husband out of the bedroom. Well played.

His obliques are so grotesquely hyper-developed it looks like he’s preggers.

They’re gonna name it Supreme Deity Kardashian just to fuck with Kanye

Habitat for Huge Manatees.

Be careful.

She’s the one manufacturing herself? Haha. Well you bought the lie then. She doesn’t write her own songs, it’s well known in the industry. She has a bunch of people that make most of the creative decisions for her. She got started in the business by auditioning for a girl group. She ain’t a real artist, she’s a pop

Either she travels through time or she needs to start doing something different. Because this was from three years ago: