
I can't be the only one.

*look at all these single people with hardware as a passenger

That's no turbo,

Bicycle all the things!

"Yankee" was originally used by the English to refer to American colonists who were considered backward, uneducated, unworthy of voting, and fools suitable only for taxation and exploitation.

It's the Japanese version of Lloyd from Dumb & Dumber.

bronies are fucking creepy

Because 255 is the 256th number in a zero-based series of numbers.

Is there something from the video that was intentionally left out that we've missed? Otherwise I'm at a loss as to what the perceived slight was that made the biker feel his manhood demanded that he take a 500lb bike and "brake check" a two ton car? Was the auto that was filming perhaps not going fast enough for the

I consider FFXIII under-rated and VII over-rated.

After conferring with Matt, we made the judgment that the photos were newsworthy. We also understand that it is a sensitive and ongoing situation, and thus we decided to simply link to the photos rather than outright displaying them.