
he was GM for 3 seasons. and they didn’t magically inherit a completely new roster when he left; the next GM was stuck with his bullshit D-League roster, thus making this year another complete waste that was thrown away. Nice try though, dumbass. 

also, marijuana advocates have less than nothing to do with opiate restrictions, you fucking goon. how the fucking are you even making that unbelievably stupid leap?

because rhey wouldnt have to be prescribed opiates in the first place if there was a safer pain-relieving alternative, you idiotic fucking clown.

it’s blatantly false that pharmacies can only full a small number of opiate pills per day, per patient. Blatantly, 100 percent false. I work in a pharmacy, and have for years. People routinely get scripts for 120 percocet or whatever at a time. There is no such thing as a limit of a couple pills at at time. you’re

except, it does help with withdrawal symptoms. a lot. so... you have no fucking idea what you’re talking about.

I love how you’re completely ignorant of the mountains of evidence and scientific studies suggesting that it IS not only basically harmless, but almost certainly would help drive down opoid abuse. But hey, why let little things like scientific evidence get in the way of your stupid, biased idiocy.

so, that’s your reasoning? He is the same as Simmons because they both started out writing for small platforms that eventually grew into much larger platforms? that’s the entirety of your rationale? Seems well-reasoned and intelligent....

how the hell have you never seen this before? Did you just not discover sports? and the internet?

holy shit, you are amazingly fucking stupid.

You are the absolute wirst. what a fucking loser. If people were playing against you, I’m sure they would take every available opportunity to puss you off and rub a loss in your face. Because you are awful.

this is an unbelievably stupid comment, and you should be ashamed of yourself for being dumb enough to type it.

Is Daric sub-butt? jesus.... you may as we have typed “I know absolutely nothing whatsoever about the NBA.” Daric is good.

reading comprehension not your strong suit? That part was referring to when he was still at Baylor. Not hard to understand....

you are a fucking terrible piece of shit.

so, where are all of the people who argued up and down its me, telling me that there was no way whatsoever that the Switch would be anything other than a massive failure? There were dozens of you on here arguing with me, and I said I can’t wait to see what they had to say when it ended up doing really well. But they

jesus... you hate Witcher 3 and BotW, and you love Skyrim? You have truly awful taste in video games. Skyrim is garbage....

except there are a bajillion quests in the Witcher 3 that aren’t like that. so...

no. no, it doesn’t. Try knowing what you’re talking about before making inaccurate comments, chief.

But there are weapons literally everywhere, so it really isnt an issue at all. When one breaks, chances are really good that there are a few lying around right beside you (in adddition to the ones in your inventory). pretty much every enemy drops their weapon, and you can find them laying around all over the place.

But there are weapons literally everywhere, so it really isnt an issue at all. When one breaks, chances are really good that there are a few lying around right beside you (in adddition to the ones in your inventory). pretty much every enemy drops their weapon, and you can find them laying around all over the place.