everything about this is completely wrong, and I don’t think I like you any more.
everything about this is completely wrong, and I don’t think I like you any more.
You are almost impressively stupid.
it doesn’t matter if you’ve seen the show. It explicitly says in the goddamn article that you’re taking time to comment upon that it’s a ship from Cowboy Bebop. Whether or not you’ve seen the show is irrelevant, you illiterate fucking dunce.
You could, you know.... actually read the fucking article, which explicitly fucking states that it’s the ship from Cowboy Bebop. Jesusm christ... it’s like people just get dumber and dumber with each passing day...
you’re conveniently ignoring the fact that they also gave away a 1st round pick. In addition to giving away the better player. If you still think that’s a win-win, then you’re dumb as shit.
great story.
Then you’re very stupid. Jolie is a much better There isn’t a single person in basketball who would rather have Boogie on their team instead of Jokic, or in addition to Jokic. Because you would have to be really fucking dumb to have Jokic and also want Boogie.
You can’t seriously be dumb enough to believe that. Even if you buy the dumb logic about them not wanting or needing a 1st round pick for some reason, which is incredibly stupid in and of itself.... they probably could have done something a wee bit better with it in than throwing it into a trade where you also happen…
When this trade went down, I said it was unbelievably stupid for the Nuggets, and that throwin in a 1st round pick made less than zero sense because Nurkic is the much better player. Everybody on here told me I was dumb and that Nurkuc sucked.
“reaching the finals 6 years in a row isn’t a huge accomplishment.”
this is legitimately one of the dumbest things I have ever read on the Internet. You don’t know why they get the benefit of the doubt? gee, I don’t know.... maybe because he’s led his team to 6 straight fucling Finals? And you thought it was a fluke that they won the Finals one year after reaching the finals and being…
I feel like this is one of the dumbest takes I’ve seen on here in a while. “Lyric is the best ball handler in the league, one of the best shooters in the league, one if the best guards attacking the rim in the league, and has a proven history of clutch performances including a Finals winning 3.... but I don’t get why…
“with the exception of some injuries.”
Look, I know the boogie trade seemed absolutely terrible. But how long do we have to wait before we can admit that it may not have been as bad as we think? New Orleans looks awful with Boogie, and it’s come out that his teammates hated him. every story makes him sound like an absolutely miserable person to be…
if you haven’t heard any NBA scouts say lonzo could be a generational talent, then you obviously haven’t been listening to them.
How can a baseball game possibly be confusing?
except for the part of the article that explicitly mentions him....
you’re the fucking worst. whiny, uninformed dipshit. Probably less than 1 percent of systems have problems with scratched screens. A tiny fucking fraction. every system, every fucking product of any kind, is going to have some issues. Its unavoidable. The issues with the screens have affected a tiny percentage of the…
Zero chance? jesus christ, that is horrendously fucking stupid. There is nothing on earth that has a zero chance of possiblr issues. You’re basically asking nintendo to overcome the fucking laws of reality, dummy.
I don’t think he even travels in that clip.