
I can’t read all the comments because I can’t deal with the “your kid should be homeschooled if she can’t be around peanuts!” crap, but the issue doesn’t lie with Obama signing this bill. A little girl named Ammaria Johnson died in Virginia from a reaction to peanuts on the playground a couple of years ago (that

That’s for a co-pay. It saves up to $100 on the co-pay, which only works for:

Nice job blaming Obama rather than addressing the real issue. This bill was not the real issue. The way pharmaceutical companies can jack up prices with no checks and balances is the issue, and it goes far beyond the Epi-Pen. But I wouldn’t want to let common sense get in the way of your attempt to bash Obama.

Just a tidbit of advice: you can inform Southwest of your peanut allergy (it’s under the disability services section when you purchase tickets online) and they will a) not serve peanuts on your flight and b) allow you to preboard to wipe down your seat. I fly Southwest exclusively and my allergy has never been an

makes me think you two are stupid.

The problem is not the product itself. The problem may not even be the monopoly that the product has over its own market.

I would like to know how much Mylan has spent on lobbying and who was on the receiving end.

If this was an executive order, you may have a point. It wasn't. It was legislation that passed in congress and was simply sent to Obama to sign. You comment is basically the same as saying "Thanks Obama" to ridiculous things he had no control over.

Obama? This was passed in the house and senate. He just signed it. Your a moron.

I’ve nearly died from anaphylactic shock and probably only lived because of my EpiPen. What the company is doing is incredibly shady, but EpiPens do save lives.

Yup, $30 up here. You can even get it over the counter in Quebec, no prescription needed.