For now it’s up to Darwin.
For now it’s up to Darwin.
Parents 90% and Teachers 10% are completely to blame for this. Someone, let me emphasize - SOMEONE should have informed this kid at some point when he started connecting to the internet that he should not believe every damn thing he reads on the internet. You absolutely can teach common sense to people and parents…
We call the count received from these the ADT or Average Daily Traffic. We use them with algorithms that track any increase or decrease in traffic on particular segments of roadways to determine which segments get repaired first using a Priority Formula system. We also use these counts to submit our findings to the…
I had a 78 with what my dad referred to as a 265 V8, a friend of mine had an early 80's (maybe 84) that was maroon and this very thing happened to us. He later stuffed a 455 into that Cutlass, I had stuffed a 350 into mine by then and the tables were turned the next time we met up. No ticket though.
When you say Scot, do you mean Scott? And was that 78 Cutlass of the Acapulco Gold color, and was this in Kansas, and was this on Metcalf Ave.? Sure sounds familiar Brad?
Only if you forget to recharge or are going farther. 1 hour charge for 1000 miles is pretty crazy.
Best idea is to automate it by having the customer go through essentially a carwash style bay where a robot or lackey pulls battery pack and puts fresh one in. It’s totally feasible, the initial cost may be prohibitive but it’s possible.
As soon as they can swap a depleted battery pack out for a fully charged one in less than 5 minutes for about the same price as a fillup of good ole dino juice they will.
Wouldn’t be the first time he had issues in KS.
Star for you.
Is it too soon for the “You had one job” .gif? Probably in poor taste, my bad.
I don’t see how taking something with crisp, straight lines and smooth curves and then putting a sketched look on it. I think it’s counter productive.
I put brake pads on backwards once....
My wife’s cousin handed his Chevy truck with over 500k down to his 17 yr old son last year. They are replacing the original motor as we speak.
Here to ruin your day it looks like a 4 door toned down version of an Subaru SVX to me.
This particular officer is probably not the same guy you are talking about. Hopefully he has handed out more warnings than tickets.
I was watching this yesterday and when he passes the balloon, I was like holy crap that’s Worlds of Fun! I seen it about 2 hours after the video was posted.
Yep.. I like that idea.
- It’s a Jeep thing.
Let me preface this statement with everyone is happy that no one was hurt, but she could have been killed and that truck driver would have had to deal with it because of her actions.