Aug 30 is release for the WOW expansion Legion.
Aug 30 is release for the WOW expansion Legion.
Aug 30 is release for the WOW expansion Legion.
Aug 30 is release for the WOW expansion Legion.
Not to mention, revenge for shaggydog, even though he technically did not kill shaggydog.
Or stock speedo is 10% higher than the certified speedo which is 10mph fast, causing them to write more tickets, not less. The world will never know until we get a calibrated radar gun on that thing to verify. I’m sticking with my guess because all of the speeding tickets I received were undeserved! Yea right.
I’m guessing your gif shows the fact the Certified Police Speedometer is 10mph fast? How many people got speeding tickets that were not speeding?
Will this keep my legs from falling asleep while I play games on my phone?
Will this keep my legs from falling asleep while I play games on my phone?
Eh, a buddy of mine worked with another officer that was out serving warrants and was offered sex in return for stating that he did not find her. Afterwards she walked into the station with a used condom and her warrant along with the officer got released.
When my wife speeds by a 18wheeler, this is what she fears. She will not pass one gingerly. She will mash the gofast pedal and get by it as quick as she can. I don’t think I will laugh at it anymore... Thanks?
+10 for listening to Too $hort in this day.
Man claims tesla drove into trailer while he was in back seat making himself a sandwich.
I think your conversion is wrong. Isn’t that $4,770 US? NP!
Seriously, no Grand Ams or a Grand Prix on this list? They run forever it seems, Always seeing them in craigslist for super cheap.
She did not get hit when she mentioned ‘half-brother’ though.
Star for simply getting your mom to pose like that.
Imma hit the lotto saturday and get me some cars!
Your advice on this is wrong. Joe, you need to turn up the heat so that you can sleep comfortably without the cap and your girlfriend becomes so warm that she must remove layers! SEE?
I’d spec mine with more hp but it doesn’t have the option so I’ll pass.
I’m ok with this.
Looked like they had it in 4wd with square wheels and 2wd with regular on the hill climb.
I’ve done more for less. But sure, keep telling yourself everyone is harmless.