
I attended some of the “protests” for entertainment and debate. What I’ve noticed after interviewing a few dozen students.
Most environmentalists have:
1. Latest revision iPhone.
2. Have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
3. Spend more than 4hrs online per day.
4. Own or drive an SUV or crossover.
5. Have never, or rarely taken

If you don’t care about Steelers football, please don’t waste your time writing about it. Find something you seem more knowledgeable to write about, ie dumpster juice and house arrest.

NBA2k19 was the most generous game I’ve ever seen.”

Buying packs and hoping for good cards inside... picking which teams will win for rewards... ball drops and wheel spins.

And that’s when I realized...Brodka was a 2K shill.

Someone defending 2k series?

Who the fuck let this corporate shill out of the grays?

Jesus what is EA paying you to post down here in the greys?

Journey was both exceptionally beautiful, and poignant if you perceived it a certain way. I’m not ashamed to say I shed more than a tear at the end, because of how it resonated with me. (and how I took the meaning)

She’s certainly entitled to ‘demand’ whatever pay she wants - it’s a free market.

Public Enemy and Head for the Hills are fine PVP modes where players try to kill a player who is marked as a target and try to escape to a location while others try to stop them, respectively.

People that don’t like golf probably played once and sucked so bad that their friends never asked them to play again.

I am right there with you. If I get 40-80 hrs out of a game and enjoy the experience, then how is that a bad thing?

At this point I’ve sort of started to wonder if I should just start ignoring both reviewers and gamers, as I never seem to agree with either group anymore and I’m too old to care about who enjoys a thing other than me and some friends.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: all of these reviews make me feel guilty for enjoying Anthem.

I’m old...

Unfortunate that there were issues. I had a blast with it though. If they make movement in the hub city faster (and possibly allow for third person view there as well), I might jump ship from Destiny.

whle some decisons of ffxi drove me violently away. subscription mmos are really the only ones i will play. Freemium mmos have this weird feeling of being both cheap and everything is monetized. I prefer the idea of, ok, gave you this much, do not bug me. also they tend to have much better development cycles and