
Just tell them you're going to go buy an Xbox One. They're not unreasonably expensive either. I saw them new for $299. PS4s are starting to get the same sort of bad rep as PS2 with the disc read errors and the 360s RRoD. At least MS would willingly fix the systems. Having a software update brick systems is pretty much

Why is this article not bigger? Please make it larger. This is kind of a big deal......unless twitch hackings are normal.....

Such a shame that happened too... I consider the Xbox One the superior console but thats just my opinion.

They have become the king of remaster/re-release.

I point you towards the Vita in the west....

It has to do with the public lobbies. The guy's right. Just create invite-only lobby and you'll almost instantly thrown back to your lobbies after missions/heists. Saves a lot of time for me.

uhhh, you can skip cutscenes... only problem is everyone on the heist has to have seen it before. Play with the same crew and you can skip em all. You can even skip long drives if all 4 of you are in the same car and going to the same destination.

How is that an issue? It makes it so everyone has to do their job and coordinate? This isn't an issue. It's part of what makes these heists so much fun. The whole TEAM relies on each other. Take that out where you can win even if teammates if lose and that defeats the entire purpose.

Buying that armored car from the Fleeca Heists makes a lot of the other online missions stupidly easy since essentially you are now bulletproof and can drive up to most anywhere and shoot from inside your car.

I'm not sure what you're smoking, but the Xbox 360 client connected to the same servers. I've played FFXI across PC, PS2 and Xbox 360 simultaneously (literally, I had two accounts, and my IRL friends played).

I still log on every once in a while but my old crew have all either moved to XIV or are no longer playing games. The world seems very empty over there when there aren't people to do with. My memories over there are amazing though. the game was crushing hard and my first lvl 75 took me months. The work it took to get

I don't know who told you that, but you're wrong. 360 players cross-played with PC and PS2 players on the same server, there was no 360 exclusive server after the 360 beta ended. I played on Cait Sith and Alexander with PC and PS2 people. Shadowrun was another that was cross-play with PC.

360 players played on the same servers as everyone else. I played for 9 years. I started on ps2 then went to 360 and then to PC. I continued to switch back and forth from PC to 360. Had friends that only played on 360 and we had no issues playing together. If 360 was stuck playing with only others on 360. There would

yeah i might have to check this out for the free month just for that. My friend has a sling box and won't shut the fuck up about it

"cord cutting" is a term used for those folks, like me, who have cancelled their cable or satellite television subscriptions. I personally have Netflix, Hulu+, Amazon Prime, and CBS All Access and am able to view about 80% of everything I viewed previously for 1/4 of the price I was paying. Slingbox would only be

Good timing too, with NCAA early round coverage starting tonight. SlingTV will succeed based on events like March Madness and the CFB playoff.

Following up on last year's spectacular Simpsons house set, LEGO returns to Springfield with one of the fictional town's most iconic retail establishments. Your own miniature Kwik-E-Mart franchise can be yours in May for $200.

They say the star that burns the brightest burns the shortest.

Kinda thought Kotaku was the "mature" gamer's site, largely free of the cuntish fanboys that PMS over every Xbox news item large and small like they do on IGN and Gamespot... Oh well, guess I wrong