
OMG it is back up ... I got it for $129 + 2 year service plan lol ... wow

OMG it is back up ... I got it for $129 + 2 year service plan lol ... wow

I just ordered this .... can’t wait to get it .... I didn’t even think of using the paddles to replace the analog stick buttons ... I’m definitely gonna try that out, Im not a fan of clicking the analog stick while aiming/running/moving

I just ordered this .... can’t wait to get it .... I didn’t even think of using the paddles to replace the analog

You just said: “The more you wright, the more obvious it is that you don’t know what you are talking about.”

That makes zero sense ... BRANDING HAS NOT STUCK. My statement was not ANECDOTAL (not “i”, nice effort though). It was a statement:

Since when did most users can get online = servers are down???

Exactly .... Xbox fanboys = Sony fanboys .... both are horrible

Ok dude, obviously 56 of his friends are not the entire playerbase.

That would have been true in 2010. Xbox 360 demographic was kids about 10-18, PS3 was the older generation.

The 5 day Early Access isnt a demo ... its the full version of the game, just 5 days early, 10 hour time limit ... 10 hours is more than long enough to decide whether you will like the game or not.

Wish EA never bought out Bioware and Pandemic Studios.

You have no friends.

But you have no friends in real life. This is a fact.

Read this crap you just sent, because you obviously just typed out of anger LMFAO:

So does anyone who is playing the Ark on Xbox One have issues with joining a NON-full server???

Further note:

Yea I dont understand what drives gamers to continue to pay for Shark Cards on GTA. If the game had really good and fun online play, then people wouldn’t buy them. But obviously, people want more in-game money so they just buy it with real money.

Sure a good chunk of those buying Shark Cards are kids with parents

Yea, but thats part of the problem with GTA Online Heists ... its REQUIRED to have 4 players to do all the Heists ... so if you are missing one person you are screwed.


You can’t write sentences in English and make no sense. It is hilarious.