
Ugh, man if you would calm down and do some research about the topic you are trying to discuss. MS does allow cross platform play on the X1, did you not see the recent Windows 10 announcement. Fable is cross-play, other titles will follow on a game-by-game basis.

I had AC Unity day one ... on console .... AC Unity was never an issue, other than having minor framerate issues.


Im fine with the problems, thats not the issue.

*standing ovation* ... so very true!!!!

What else SHOULD we get???? How about what we all paid for. Halo that WORKS.

Agreed. I can't believe how long this "advanced tips for playing Destiny" list is either. I dont think I've seen any other game on Kotaku get this much detail for "advanced tips" and Destiny is the SAME thing, again, and again, and again.

I picked Alien: Isolation up during the Xbox Holiday sale for $30 .... I'm loving it so far, but I'm not that far into the game. The new challenge mode levels do look intriguing for whenever I finish the main game.

100% agreed. Played Evolve already and its another overhyped game thats for sure.

Lol this is true. Nice username.

Please, you can't be that dumb. Did you even read my comment?

Um I hope you don't honestly think the Chinese Government can be "persuaded" by any company.

Great meme. Totally agree.

Well, it may be best that you stop hoping on what Destiny "should be adding".

Hate to say it but Destiny 2 will basically be Destiny 1.5

Yea I never understood how your shields in Halo can withstand BULLETS, but someone comes up and punches you and your are dead.

Gotta agree with you on this. I am especially glad the melee lunge is out. I never understood how your shields in Halo can withstand BULLETS but someone comes up and punches you and your are dead. Powerful shields to stop bullets from machine guns, but can't stop a melee punch???!?!?!

I understand that. And its great you can't buy the best endgame parts. But as a I said before, it's the fact that the "option" to pay is even there in the first place.

Ugh, you don't get it. The "option" is there. Whether it is the "best" or not I don't care.

WTF did you not read what I wrote?