
Hell yes. Freedia deserves WAY MORE than having her shit stolen.. She’s my absolute favorite, and fuck Beyonce, Drake and Kesha. Honestly I’m appalled at that list of people denying a QUEER BLACK ICON her due.

Good, let CNN depose him and put him under oath so he can perjure himself. That went so well for Bill Clinton!

It’s an attraction to what you mother/father looked like back when you were young & completely in love with them

We call it “relationship tofu” - you don’t have a personality/style of your own; but you’re great at taking on whatever flavor your partner has. 

In college and my early 20s, I had some body dysmorphia. I remember whining to my friends about other people who I found exquisitely beautiful (this was a super annoying time to be friends with me) and, when my friends and I did some FB sleuthing, they really irritatedly pointed out that the people I found so

could be worse. I was in my parents’ house, complaining to a close friend about my (then) recent ex-fiancee. Eventually, got to “what did I even see in her,” and I swear to you at that moment I turned at saw my parents’ framed wedding photo, showing what may as well have been my dad and my ex. It was a

Last year someone here (PolicyChick) called these types of couples “Doppelbangers” and I have used that term ever since.

See: Pence and Mother

I see a church visit calls for the full glam squad: hair, makeup and wardrobe. Wait, professional photographer and assistant. I think I’m forgetting someone... social media guru for the insta posts. It’s a given there was a driver and nanny, though, right. Maybe, craft services. I’m exhausted.

To those who love Kate and now will never get the chance to see her live (I believe she said her 2014 run was her last) there Is an amazing tribute band of women called Baby Bush, out of San Diego. They are great - they embrace the weird, play up the camp (many of the songs have costume changes) but are still very

I was lucky enough to see her in concert in 2014, and I will cherish my memories of laughing and crying and celebrating with other Kate Bush fanatics. What other people feel about Prince or Michael Jackson or David Bowie, I feel for Kate Bush. 

I have a PS4 and Switch (and a Halobox that I’ll dust off when Reach comes to MCC) but I find myself struggling to buy anything other than a Nintendo exclusive for the Switch. Sure it’s nice to take it off of the dock when my fiancee wants to watch Grey’s Anatomy (I like most of her shows but I can’t handle ER soaps)

According to the glowing Forbes profile of her (that shames everyone who isn’t working 22 hours a day and networking constantly), she saves money by living with her significant other.

My theory: They were getting ready to hook Officer Chip up until the cop cam revealed that ol Quick Draw McGraw fucked up way beyond their means to make Ms. Jefferson look like a stone cold killing machine and get him off the hook.

I don’t care if she had a gun or not.

Bruh...maybe you forget that the reason why you know your wife is because she did a porno with Ray J. Or the fact that she (since marrying you) has tried to “break the internet” multiple times by posing in various states of undress- like we haven’t seen her whole (plastic and silicone) address at this point. Kanye has

Nah. I’ll wait until the trial to hear if this story comes out, again. I don’t trust it. Sorry.

Please take this comment back to 1997 where it belongs.

counter point, as a parent it is likely that other than rare occassions that tiny screen is the only way I get to play single player games...and I’ve always wanted to play this game...sooooo

I don’t care what it looks like its The Witcher 3 portable. Thats like gaming alchemy. It shouldn’t be possible. But it is!