
Orphan remains my greatest moviegoing experience. It was just a so-so thriller, but at the big reveal a tween/early-teen girl sitting down the row from us stood up and shouted ESTHER GOT TITTIES at the top of her lungs. It was incredible and probably the hardest I’ve ever laughed in public.

It makes me so sad that there were probably so many bubbly JVNs in the 80s and early 90s who got the same news at 25 and didn't live to see 30. Thank goodness (science) for HIV/AIDS research. 

Like, “give a copy of this book to every girl you know on her 12th birthday”.

It is really well written. I couldn’t put it down. The world building is good though there are a few holes in it.

The common argument for it (or at least the one I’ve heard) is, “Animals in the wild do it, it gives them so many nutrients!”

Eh, doesn’t every economic system find a way to perpetuate gender hierarchy?

People invite a bullshitter to spew their bullshit and are outraged when the bullshit is spewed?

Why the fuck was she invited? Who the fuck asked her to show up? What the fuck is that person’s problem? How is that person in charge of booking an invent that has to do with black perspectives? When is that motherfucker gonna get fired?

Anyone going into the film is likely familiar with Jokers of yore: Jack Nicholson’s dancing and campy gangster, Heath Ledger’s cunning and truly brilliant criminal mastermind, and whatever Jared Leto was trying to do​ in Suicide Squad​.

I was a beta tester for Cave Story+ and NightSky back in 2011. I can confirm that all bug reports had to be sent through Tyrone himself and I never received confirmation/requests for more info about any problems I identified and some were still present in the final release, one issue with the map on a certain screen

Last September, according to a timeline of events provided by the Anchorage School District, a swim team parent went so far as to take photos of the teenager at a swim meet and then send them to others

How about the opposite. Two disillusioned millennials go on a boomer killing spree?

It’s London, hence Eastenders.

So OK, the Beebs is getting some good results from talk therapy. But he doesn’t seem to realize that his experience is his alone, and he doesn’t need to turn it into a “YOU CAN DO IT! KEEP FIGHTING!” generalized inspirational moment when pretty much no one reading this has had anything close to the life experience

I think studies have shown that forcing kids with ARFID to eat foods that they can’t tolerate only makes the condition worse.

I like some fruit. I like grapes and strawberries. It’s a lot more complicated than you think.

I’m never going to say a bad word about Swifty again, after reading this story. The short version is, this middle school in a tough neighborhood had their music program cut, so some brilliant producer working with Taylor used some of their music on her new album and now they get a cut!

Built off Kanye’s outburst”?!? She won the fucking album of the year award! She was wildly successful before, too.

Hoo boy, Rich really got triggered over The Man and the presumption that rich, successful women might still receive more blowback and criticism than men in similar positions. “The Biebs gets criticized too!” is not a hill to die on.

I’m not sure about that.... She might misstep here and there, but she’s an excellent songwriter. Some of the things she wrote at just 16 are incredible.