
He’s not facing backlash, he’s treated according to the law. Trump and Kim K are idiots* if they think all countries work like the US and the country's leader can grant clemency like some sort of medieval king. Swedish courts are independent from the government.

What did they expect to happen? The PM has no judicial powers and Sweden doesn’t have a bail system.

Totally agreed. Andy Cohen is a misogynistic human garbage fire and the fact that Anderson Cooper didn’t stand by his supposed friend but still likes to chill with Andy Cohen is a black mark on Cooper, as far as I’m concerned.

You are not a true cat owner until you are awaken from a deep sleep upon the first HAAAAAACK noise and spring into action.  

Are you on a bed or carpet?  Because if you are you need to be aware that someone will come rushing in and throw you onto the nearest wood/tile floor, then stand over you waiting for you to finish. 

I feel like this movie is a prank that has just got very out of control. 

I worked for a large Italian company in the 1980s, and whenever anyone came to NY from HQ they would arrive with tickets for Cats and insist that I come with them because they had bought one specially just for me. And they would watch it, and at the end, turn to me and say “che???” They simply could not fathom it, and

how have i never seen this? The guy pantomiming the plane that was gold 

Indeed, this article makes no mention of the IM he sent her the morning of his resignation: ‘I ain’t a killer but don’t push me/ Revenge is like the sweetest joy next to getting pussy, Kim’

Nah, he didn’t actually resign, he’s just working remotely from Malaysia.

The person who feels the most strongly about not having more than one kid should probably have been the one to get snipped to ensure it wouldn’t happen, no? What a scumbag.

The ghost of T.S. Eliot just keeps screaming “I ALSO WROTE THE WASTE LAND, ‘THE LOVE SONG OF J. ALFRED PRUFROCK,’ AND ‘THE HOLLOW MEN’! NOT JUST THE FUCKING CAT POEMS” over and over again.

Wait, Esther, you never explained why you’d never been to Red Lobster - you leave your 16th-birthday story hanging with your mom asking you if you wanted to go. Why didn’t you go??

Vagina, coined in the late 17th century, is literally the Latin word for “sheath” or “scabbard.”

Reclaim cunt. Cunt is, etymologically speaking, the only word that describes the female genitalia as an entity its own right, as opposed to the scabbard to a sword. Cunt was an ancient word of supreme power and respect and bodily autonomy until the patriarchal agenda, seeking to establish and protect primogeniture

Hyperbole! (Just king of the WORD)

Peck clearly doesn’t understand himself at all. He’s a middle aged, married gay man who still looks in the mirror and sees his 1990s self, and resents other gay men who don’t share his narrow worldview and tastes (or rather hates; he doesn’t like much beyond himself)

It bears repeating that Hershey’s “Chocolate”® essentially goes through a forced spoilage process during manufacturing, which adds copious amounts of butyric acid (a chemical also found in vomit) to the final product, resulting in its signature “coying sweetness plus revolting sourness” taste. This has become so

I’d be a terrible driver there. I weep over the squirrels and possums I see as roadkill. If I saw something that majestic lying dead by the side of the road I’d go full on Falling Down and start murdering people not obeying traffic laws, speeding, and not giving the right of way to our 4legged friends. I know. I have