
Nikki Blonsky is a gay icon now?!

There’s a lot of showbiz precident for going on with the show in a case like this, or at least a modified version. In the circus industry where falls have happened enough there’s an accepted protocol, if it happens midway they play a special song (originally the band would be told or the steam calliope operator and

I don’t care if it’s a publicity grub, big companies do those all the time and have zero obligation to also make them socially aware. Not sure if this will actually be an ad shown on TV or just a web exclusive, but this may very well be the first depiction of a trans man that Joe Everyday has ever seen. That is huge.

If she was really interested in her education, she could find a good community college, do well there and transfer to a university after a couple of years. I’m guessing that won’t happen.

Example: I asked my very rigid boss if I could leave an hour early for a doctor’s appointment. She told me to take an hour of sick time along with a reminder that the work day is 9-5. Okay then. A few weeks later, she asked me an urgent question on Saturday of a three day weekend. I responded to her first thing

That catsuit was pretty much sportswear. Those humans are NUTS for banning it! It is SO stupid I wish I hadn’t heard about it in the first place. 

It should also be noted when this (and other rights) was put to a public referendum and same-sex marriage was soundly defeated. The legislature was also against it. The courts basically told the legislature to approve same-sex marriage or else.

McMahon has always been a snake. So glad his wife was apart of our Government and is now helping the Trump 2020 Super Pac! True upstanding individuals that care about the well being of others!

A couple of guys from my high school were there in the arena that night and saw it happen. They said afterward that, even seeing it live, they weren’t sure at the time if it was real or if it was some kind of dark publicity stunt where a dummy had been dropped and taken away in an ambulance. I think the fact that the

This is fucking insane.

I think all children need a lot of comfort, nurturing, protection, and support, full stop.

He’s perfectly positioned. A progressive like Bernie or (somehow) Warren gets the nomination? Pete is more middle of the road. A conservative like Biden gets the nod? Pete is so young and is actually to the left of Dinosaur Joe! Harris? Look how progressive we are, a white man being subordinate to a black woman (just i

Read the plot, read the reviews, read the competing fan theories, possibly even read the fanfiction, depending on who’s writing it (esp. cracktastic Good Place crossovers, given Mr. Harper’s presence)... basically, I may develop strong opinions about this piece of media I will not experience directly.

Beto O’Rourke’s campaign is rolling in its grave over this

Aaaaah! Someone point me to the spoilers so I can read what happens but never watch this scary movie.

Eh, there are a good many things the writers added that weren’t in the books, including before and after the source material ran out. The writers’ decision to cut these last two seasons short is still puzzling to me, but it hasn’t all been garbage. Also, I’ve never quite understood people who have viewed GoT as

I believe the “she’s not eating” scene indicated that Varys was trying to poison Dany because, in the previous episode, he’d stated he would do anything in his power to get the right ruler and I think that’s why they executed him. The little girl also stated that the guards were always watching her indicating that she

A different podcast discussing the episode put it best: the show feels like a Wikipedia entry of itself right now.

Um, sorry, but what? “Sudden turn”? The only reason it seems sudden is because D&D decided to rush these past two seasons but they have been building to this for a very long time. She was initially talked down from burning the Red Keep, before assisting everyone in the North. She’s progressively lost everything dear

Bran will become King. He sits on the Iron Throne. Then closes his eyes. He then opens his eyes...and they’re BLUE...