Learn to make sandwiches.
Learn to make sandwiches.
You wouldn't believe what that old goat can do with her tongue.
Except your mom.
Your dancing is bad and you should feel bad!
Though it makes no sense anymore, I stand by my comment even more so.
The other day I, masturbating, imagined Dinklage playing the Continental Op and now it is all that I have ever wanted.
Well she had better jumped on the D.
*Fires in general direction of @NerdInTheBasement*
That guy is a rip-off.
Nice try, @MontyPark.
*Fires Salute*
Let's all just hit reply on each and every comment of his and leave the tab open..
On behalf of all Dicks, I disassociate myself from this troll.
He's just an asshole.
When you're a Dick, you have to unload shots from time to time!
I can give you shots in the cheest until you bleed out!
In fact, you are without me 24/7.