
Fuuuckkkkkk that. And fuck you for even suggesting it. Why do nazis always get a pass for their violence? When can we look at a monstrous, sociopathic movement and not judge it for what it truly is?

And of course there’s Nightwing, Red Robin, Batgirl, Batwoman, Huntress, Catwoman, and anyone else I’m forgetting in the Bat family. And of course he frequently teams up with Superman.

I really enjoyed the resurrection of my favorite running joke, “Fewer”. Nice to see Davos carrying on Stannis’ crusade for proper grammar.

Wow thats a pretty elite list right there, plus if you add in the entertainment factor Beltre is an absolute lock. Guy plays the game, yes game, the way it should be played. You have guys treating baseball, that is primarily played by 12 year olds like some kind sacred art form where laughing and smiling is frowned

The guy they claim to have arrested (who was in an entirely different state) loses his job thanks to these keystone cops’s incompetence, but their jobs are as safe as ever.

let’s start a website

That’s not dumb! Anyone who is not moved to tears at least one time in that movie is a friggin’ robot. They should administer it like the Voight-Kampff test in Blade Runner.

But they didn’t enter it lawfully. In most states, after a light changes green, the intersection has to be clear of traffic before it can be legally entered.

It slows everything down so that you produce less in the same time period. That is not necessarily unfair to the workers themselves since, as you point out, they are going to make the same amount of money anyway. But it does decrease service to everyone else who is waiting and it’s very stressful to be in a high-paced

 Who is going to stop her?

I think you mean Sad-turday.

Now playing

Wins both best and worst! Go ninja go ninja go!

So you keep saying the Witwiccans, is that like related to Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf’s character from the first movie) somehow? Because I really get the sinking feeling that you only come up with the name Witwiccans for your super secret order if you are trying to tie it to a ridiculous last name you created ten

A gold star to any team that does Who, What, I don’t know, Why, Because, Tomorrow, Today, and I Don’t Care.

“on accident”.

Hold the guns until cleared. Done.

We debated this one for a while trying to parse out Scherzer’s exact string of words, though some of them are pretty obvious. I think we’ve settled on “fucking bastard motherfucking bitch motherfucker” and now I can’t see it any other way.

I think at this point they’ve finished the main exploring portion of the game and got to the point where the characters have access to the airship so they can teleport around the map at will.