Massimo Grueber

Just go the fuck away. All three Clintons need to retire from public life and let us breathe in peace. I’m so tried of The Little Rock Kennedys ruining The US.

Kinja nuked the comment section, and now you’re posting over half an hour late? What is the point of this feature anymore.

Dems are a dead party. They have no message to offer voters and frankly I don’t want to see them in power until they get their act together. Commence the shaming, partisan goons.

The economy is projected to fall sometime soon, that and we’ve plenty of one terms president in the past, the last one hasn’t been since 1988 though, and I sure Trump is the latest one termer.

But going left didn’t work either.

I’ve known Amber for a couple years via a mutual friend. So them blowing up like this is very surreal. Her cat Phyllis was formerly owned by that mutual friend’s then fiancé. So hearing Phyllis get mentioned on Chapo or Cum Town is always a bizarre moment for me.

You know what’s also a step backwards? Switching to Kinja.

I’m in IT and if I were responsible for sourcing and migrating to a new system that was literally a step back from the existing technology and riddled with issues post-migration, I’d be fired.

There’s Virgil talking about Garfield canon, though maybe that’s more passion than joy.

“...that’s the mix we’re going to get for the foreseeable future: a combination of known horrors, unknown horrors, and things we never accounted for, because we never thought we would get this future.”