
No one is distancing themselves from a political theory. The “low information voters” on both sides are prime examples of just how very easy it is to break class solidarity with irrelevant identitarian politics.  What’s in your pants and the melanin content of your skin is not where you will be best served.  Not all

You do what you think is best.  Others will do the same.  Some of us aren’t willing to “compromise” again.  Didn’t work out too well in 2016.

By “core of the party” I guess you mean reliable low information sheep?

A vote for crazy uncle Joe because he stood next to Black Jesus for 8 years is as low information as it gets.  Good luck with your campaign of deflection, sir.

Low information is as low information does.

this is akin to saying the WW2 American soldiers were ideologically motivated to defeat Nazism.

LOL.  Nice try casting voting for Obama’s boot licker as anything other than sad.

Traveling to the Soviet union isn’t a crime.

Acknowledgement of the positive aspects of Castro’s is NOT the same as “sucking up”.  Even Mussolini made the trains run on time.

Yes.  About 26 thousand in a country of 350 million according to the 2000 census.  Less than 1% of 1% of 1%.  Good try.

Nope.  Still not justified.

Sounds like he may have put it there himself.

A mob on my porch threatening violence is exactly who I can legally and morally shoot

Since white people in the US don’t speak Gaelic I guess we won’t  know.

This is why woman is defined a crazy coockoo batshit in OED

Drastic measures that aren’t legal.

I call bullshit. Woke up today an hour early at 04:30 to vote walked to the poll because the bus wasn’t running so early and the folks I’d arranged to ride with didn’t make it. Walked back home to take care of my family then traveled the usual 45 miles to work a 12 hour day. On time. No one will disenfranchise me.

In the case at hand, a violent angry mob assembled on the DA’s doorstep threatening to drag her out.  Her husband was MORE than justified in shooting dead any one on his front porch.  He showed remarkable restraint in merely threatening to do so.  I am aware of my natural right to self defense.

It’s called the castle doctrine.  You should educate yourself.  And not trespass.

Standing on someones porch after you are told to leave is trespass.