The Book of Mormon Freeman

They gave him wings and a halo because he’s fucking dead you braindead fuck. Nobody wants to be depicted with wings and a halo because that means they’re dead.

That is amazing. I was quoting the Riot guy and critiquing *his* use of the term.

Consequence of the movie having two directors. Chapman wanted the story to focus on the mom/bear stuff from the start, but the higher-ups wanted to focus more on the “princess doesn’t want to do princess stuff” angle because they thought it would market better. When Chapman pushed back, Lasseter fired her (this is

In the aftermath of last year’s holiday season, I found myself with an excess of pizza dough and ground pork. Like any red-blooded American, I decided I’d make some taco pizza. It sounded so good in my head! And it was. It was delicious, just like I’d imagined it would be.

If there were passionate people out there willing to speak or protest on this matter, maybe it could be done sooner. If.

Can somebody explain how In-n-Out is the favorite restaurant of North Dakota of all places, a state that is over 800 miles from the closest In-n-Out in Riverdale, Utah?

I really don’t think the “free meal” thing checks out as well as many men thinks it does. I mean, every stranger you meet on the internet has a low (but real) chance to be violent or otherwise mean you harm. Any woman is going to be fully aware of that.

If free meals and drinks were my only aim (presumably, without

Uhm, ok. First of all, whore. Second of all, wrong. Third of all, MU was to MI what Cars 3 was to Cars 1 (we don’t talk about 2)

That’s not true. It’s been two months since opening day and they haven’t played a game this season.

On top of being a surprise, he didn’t want his name overshadowing the movie and he definitely didn’t want his voice all over the merch — he did it for the love of animation and didn’t want the movie to resemble a star vehicle for himself.

Their marketing to a female audience is also in-line. I had to find out from word of mouth that I could play a female character in Mass Effect. Until then, it looked like a boring space shooter and had ignored it. Once I learned that, I delved in and found a game experience I treasure.

D) In defense of the first wave of direct to video Scooby Doo films (the first four from zombie island to Cyber Chase), I never felt these movies “dragged” (except Alien Invaders, the weakest film) mainly due to these films having great character and atmosphere. Zombie Island to this day is still deeply unsettling and

Scooby is one of my favorite cartoon series of all time and I will defend it to the death no matter how bad or even not good it is, but yes, this is totally fair. Making them into movies is like making a Friends movie - not only does it not work nearly as well, you’re ruining the very concept of what made it great to

This is a fair assesment.

You can kind of make it work along the lines of Mystery Incorporated.  But I agree that the IP works better as a tv series.

Hey, they don’t spend a lot of time on the modern day stuff, either.

They should let you play as a Black Viking. That would melt people’s brains.

“I’m not racist or sexist, I just want historical accuracy!” It’s sad, really.

The “historical accuracy” argument only seems to pop up when there are women or minority characters in game, or there is a lack of NAzi symbols in a game. Weird how that works.