The Book of Mormon Freeman

I lost it a few months back when my pal told me that SC licensed the CryEngine. I couldn’t believe it! Of course, as soon as I was reminded of the huge $$$ cost for ships it clicked. Use CryEngine to render pretty screen shots and convince these clowns that there will be a game somewhere.

That dentist already took Daren out.

James Shields spent the first three innings shitting his pants and he had the courage to do it in front of millions of people.


You mean the same league that deliberately lied about the long-term effects of concussions lied about a video?!?!?

It's funny how often the word "addict" can turn into "professional" once you get paid to do something.

The only name on that list that's blatantly offensive is "Redskins." The other names can pass for "reverent" without too much logistical, moral, ethical, epistimological fuss. But, you know, who gives a shit about details if they contradict your bullshit lazy, idiotic heuristic of a world that is out to get you.

Assuming he signed the policy, this should actually increase Winston's draft stock as it proves he can actually read coverage.

"I got a PS4 and Infamous!"

Okay, I'm going to say this with three qualifiers for the sake of clarity:

I am on the same page. See Halo came out in a time where the internet was not leaving huge spoilers and trailers did not show you everything before the game's release. You spend five levels figuring out the enemies and coming up with your style of play(what weapons work best, how do you like to play, and cover

Oh? You want to play the cherry picking game? Cool

Hey. If you make comments about boobs, or fapping, or anything else of a similar nature, I'm going to remove your comment. If it's bad, or I catch you doing it again, I'm going to ban your account.

Yeah, but if this controls like any of the previous Killzone games...CoD will be still be better. I say this not caring about either franchise mind you, just that Killzone is a mediocre shooter mechanically.

You actually bring up a relevant point. Lens flare is somewhat similar to motion blur in that it's an effect that people expect to see (within reason) in order to deliver a certain amount of believability to the picture. Lens flare is different from motion blur in that it is not something that we perceive unless