The Book of Mormon Freeman

My biggest issue with TLOU 2 is that it’s messaging is so muddled.


Hitch is an ok rom-com but it could be really good with a few changes:

Joke’s on you, Cyberpunk 2077 doesn’t need Jason to delay itself!


Because those who seek power very rarely have decent intentions.

What goes into someone’s mind that they (allegedly) willingly call people “slaves” and themselves “slavemasters”?

Great, so he’s delaying the Harry Potter game as well. Does his power know no bounds?!

I like Lindsay Ellis’ quote “Power doesn’t corrupt. Power reveals.”

Sure, but games like Dishonored and Thief can at least design their games to accommodate this tunnel vision, such as giving enemies very narrow cones of vision or very obvious audio and visual cues.

But this isn’t a court of law (and let’s not even get into how our system in no way, shape or form follows the “1,000 guilty men free than 1 innocent” when it comes to minorities).

I can’t speak directly for MANGANious or his/her familiarity with other games, but if you were to compare DA: I to something like Halo or Call of Duty, it is indeed overwhelming.

Because he has clout and his movies still make money and win awards.

It seems that outside of James Gunn and Denis Villeneuve, Dave Bautista’s movie choices have been...less than stellar.

This game seems to take more influence from Obsidian styles games (RPG rules and mechanics with an emphasis on player choice and dialogue) over immersive sims like System Shock, Deus Ex or even Prey, where the focus is on designing levels and worlds that the player can experiment with however they so choose.

By overwhelming, s/he’s clearly referring to how DA: I throws a ton of mechanics and tutorials at you in the beginning with very little room to breathe, which is indeed overwhelming.

Ugh, that is why I dislike 3rd-person stealth so much, it breaks the immersion of stealth.

CEOs have stepped down for having extra-marital affairs because it reflects poorly on the company and creates a culture of distrust (see Steve Easterbrook with McDonalds or Brian Krzanich with Intel or Noel Biderman with Ashley Madison or Darren Huston with Priceline), so why is it surprising that a creative director

For a lot of men, it’s not about sex.

Except even when Jason wrote his expose (and then the plot points leaked online), there was no indication that the big re-writes concerned Joel.