There are too many pidgeys in Pokémon Go. Man, fuck a Weedle too.
There are too many pidgeys in Pokémon Go. Man, fuck a Weedle too.
Angel-winged Mercy having sex with the devilish Reaper. Spunky mech pilot D.Va pleasuring herself in front of a…
Ugh. That stupid sniper level always bothered me. Everybody hailed it as this amazing experience, but I just got frustrated because I had no freedom whatsoever. Go here. Kill this guy now. Crawl. Stop. Snipe this guy now. I never want to play that again. Maybe it’s just not my kind of game I guess.
We know there’s been a lot of ass-kicking during the Battlefront beta. But there is a flip-side to that, too—and it…
Still not as bad as the second District 9 trailer. That was one of the first ones that I felt like was just so thick with them.
Now this is cool—in honor of Star Wars Battlefront, Darth Vader is getting his very own PlayStation 4, which is a…
I love it. Have nothing more to say :D
1) He doesn’t. Dick Tracy won that hands down. 2) but what makes them compelling is that they tend to be mirror images of him. Something horrible happens to each and every one and instead of channeling that pain into something good they instead choose to share it with the world.