Mason Allen Koen

I personally think it's a media coverage issue. I'm not saying the sexist backlash doesn't exist, but I think it has been overplayed by the media. If the coverage of the "everyone that hates this is a sexist pig" thing was diminished, you probably wouldn't think there were many upset sexists. I mean, every notable "I

Eh, when you pick an already-existing franchise, people will always have expectations. If this doesn't appeal to the original Ghostbusters fans, isn't that sort of a loss? There were a lot of them, I think. To complain about backlash against a remake is odd, because not everyone is going to universally agree it was

lol, yeah, entertainment is just sort of there. It clearly isn't for consumers in any way.

That would be fine and dandy if it weren't for the fact that every comment I make on here was spelling out exactly what I've been saying this whole time. I'm saying the show has stayed consistently the same, and the only reason it may seem to slip into a less realistic realm recently is because the writers tend to

That I don't agree with you? That post meant that I was bewildered by your stance on the subject… I realize it wasn't worded in the best way (I try not to focus my writing energies trying to make points on the internet), but given the body of my post, I don't see how that was hard to understand.

Actually, let ME dumb it down for you: I didn't say that either, genius. I couldn't count the unrealistic things I've seen on the show since season 1 onward with my fingers, and that would include seasons before you may think it went "overboard." I simply chose not to list them because I figured you had the same

Yeah, there's real sophistication with the whole "Ted made it rain!" thing. Super real. Happened to me last week!