Masked Man Issue 1

Agreed. Although I would have loved to see a little more of the freakishness of Biter and Rorge in action (barely catch a glimpse of Biter, and Rorge is mostly looked at from far away). The action is a little rushed here too, compared to how looooong we spend with the dying man (although I get the point and why).

Indeed, isn't that a genius move? Particularly in the way he's depicted in this last episode. A guy that genuinely thinks that in the midst of this horrible mess (this chaos ladder) you can find the perfect opportunity for justice. Only for our hopes to be dashed and slashed one more time…

Meh. I don't know. The Tyrion/Oberyn scene was worth an A+, but the rest of the episode was largely filler. Also, when the producers treat a scene like the flight of Lysa as filler (that lost a lot of the power that it had in the books, however interesting, or not, it was to see it on screen), I think that averages to

Precisely, this is the math that doesn't make one bit of sense to me… but somehow, considering the liberties they've been taking left and right, I'm almost convinced we get to the end of this season with a) the LS reveal, b) Brienne and Pod running into her, c) Pod getting hanged and d) (as a little gift to

I really wish Marillion was still in the show… I always thought it was a hilariously "accidental" pun from GRRM on the band of the same name. Damn you Joffrey, for taking Marillion's tongue before his time! We needed him in the Eyrie!

Agreed. At the same time, although I cannot wait to see that fight, it also means the end of Pedro Pascal in the show… which will be a great loss.

Yeah, the Viper is terrific in *the* book, and is easily always a fan favorite. But lord, the way Pedro Pascal plays him is (almost) at the level of what Dinklage brings to Tyrion. It's quite something else to see these interactions he has with everyone on the screen. Like the story about the visit to Casterly Rock

SPOILER ALERT: The two I had left over in my list are 1) Lady Stoneheart and 2) Tyrion's escape (and who he offs in his path).

I completely agree, except for the end result: 1) He's not the "consort" in the end, he's the king-of-the-Vale-to-be, 2) Harrenhal and all, his new home is not there (that's just a much needed title so that he can marry Lyssa), 3) his new home (the Vale) is the most impregnable (except maybe from Bronn's point of

Yeah, the lack of depicting the connection between Starks and their direwolves (see also -SPOILER!- Arya) in the TV show is maddening. We'll see where it goes from here now that Jon and Ghost are back together.

Particularly if it was done a la House of Cards, with Tywin talking to the camera throughout the whole thing. Hmm… Ian Richardson (from the original UK series) does bare a little resemblance to Charles Dance.

Totally agree. I am wondering if (at this rate) we're going to have enough shockers for the end of this season. The major ones are still out there but that essentially leaves only one for episode 9 and one for episode 10 (as opposed to also including Lyssa's confession and the revelation of who really killed Joffrey).

Which is interesting, since I had to explain to a lot of newbie friends the implications of that rushed, half-whispered confession (even though the "previously on.." scenes set up the preamble for it very clearly. I even texted friends for an upcoming revelation during the show based on those scenes, and they missed

Agreed. I'm also missing other horrible weirdos like Rorge and Biter (betcha we won't see them in Brienne's upcoming story). The more you delve in the books, the more these characters seem to clearly have one foot in the human world and one foot in the magical world, making them so very interesting. Thank the gods we