
So were those normal chains the wights used or zombie chains?

So are Super Mario Warp Pipes sprouting everywhere in Westeros now?

Don't forget Jon Snow traversing all of Westeros in record time.

Good to see Game of Thrones take plot points from Rouge One. All that was missing was Tyrion saying "Hope".

Bran has that Emmy locked down after tonight's stirring acting performance.

At least TJ Miller can go back to his hit HBO sho….oh wait.

Bad plan. They underestimated Cersei\Euron.

So why did the Sighn Bros wait till now to come out?

Gotta stretch that CGI budget.

You know what this match needs is more complex rules.

::Cue eerie Indian music::

So she's a lone wolf now?

The only thing missing was BTO's "Taking Care of Business" being played over the montage.

Somehow I like the fact that the Hard Rock Cafe is owned by the Seminole Tribe of Florida.

Patiently waiting for the Ser Pounce origin story.

I think it was the case of Finders vs Keepers.

Hopefully a Lady Mormont Sir Pounce alliance will bring peace to the 7 Kingdoms.

Reading her GoT fan fiction.

Wildling Uber.

"Mr Snow, tear down this wall!"