I am a professional beader, and your wire wraps are spot on! Yay for no eye-pin type dangles on top, where the wire meets the link. You know, the single bend on top that generally slips out of links? Yuck.
I am a professional beader, and your wire wraps are spot on! Yay for no eye-pin type dangles on top, where the wire meets the link. You know, the single bend on top that generally slips out of links? Yuck.
Of the 8 bars I recieved, I just used the lavender and seaweed and my skin doesn't feel tight or anything. I love the idea of Dr. Bronner's Castile soap, and I use it for dishes, but it makes my skin hurt so much. I even used this on my face and don't feel I need to put cream on.
Ha! No, I would not promote that. Only if they were donated and certified free range, organic and vegetarian fed....
I just got an early christmas gift of Zeep soap, lip balm and shampoo! It's awesome. They forage for a lot of their ingredients (on donated horses!) and make everything from scratch. You really should check it out! (I swear I am not working with Zeep. I just took an awesome shower and I smell great and wanted to share…
Oklahoma is sadly famous for it's terrible DHS work. I want children, but due to health issues on both sides, we don't want to have biological children for fear of passing on genes, essentially. I'd love to be pregnant and give birth, but I know that I could create a little bundle of tourettes/lupus/rhumatoid…
Has anyone fostered a child? In the next two years, I'd love to do so. What were your experiences like? Were you a foster child yourself? What could I do to make the most out of the experience for the child? I have a degree in Spanish and Political Science, my husband has a degree in Sociology and Human Services, so…
Ooooh, I made Ree's green bean casserole. Not yer normal casserole! I'm proud to be from Oklahoma because of her!
Like mentioned down thread several times, I love my tattoos. They weren't legal in Oklahoma until just a few years ago. I got 3 of them done under 18, so I couldn't have legally done it anyway. But I love my legal and illegal kitchen table tattoos. Yeah, one was an ode to a then-boyfriend (a Dalí piece that covers my…
Awesome, awesome, awesome response. You are spot on in my opinion.
Hmmm. Hot toddy, maybe? They help me. It's 1-2 shots whiskey (whatever suits you, depending on his tolerance), one TBS honey, juice from half a lemon, and about 6 oz. of water. Put the whiskey, honey, and lemon in last. It helps with sleep and serves as a decongestant and antibiotic. And it's delicious.
I live in Oklahoma. No one wants to live here, so they go to Portland, Seattle, New York or AUSTIN. There is a massive brain drain going on here. I don't know where in NY you live, but it's so, so sad that all of us (liberal, progressive, whatevs) people are leaving. I'm staying here because although I'm totally white…
Damn you, NPR. I always end up sitting in my driveway bawling because of a touching, heartfelt story. Tonight, find the interview with the singer of We Are Augustines, Billy McCarthy. Damn. Damn. Damn. So good.
We're naming our kids after crust punk songs (Esme) and Garciá Márquez characters (Remidios) and my Aunt Reddy. Of course, they have to be girls, and I don't want to raise girls, so we are not having kids.
I teach a kid named Ransom, and Weston reminded me of guns, which are used to acquire ransom, so there is my line of reasoning. Also, I taught a girl name Malisha (sounds like militia) and a girl named Emmiesha, which always reminded me of emmision which reminds me of ejaculating.
I don't know. I feel like they may be imitating the artists they are covering. Perhaps their director shows them videos? Also, kids + cameras = natural drama. I was interviewed as a kid for my recycling efforts and totally hammed it up. Also, as a kid in choir later, we were encouraged to use body language to express…
I learned about sex from two girls, 3 years younger than me, with barbies. So, they knew that it involved being naked and moving, but it took me 4 years to learn that penises and vaginas were involved. For some reason, as I young child, everytime I went in the deep end of the pool, I would orgasm, but didn't know…
Again, rather than Tofurkey, do this. So. Much. Insanely. Better. Thanksgiving style with cranberries, on sandwiches with veganaisse, or in a stew. All year long it's great. [www.everydaydish.tv]
Homemade Gluten turkey! It's amazing and easy and cheap and better that Tofurkey and my in-laws consumed it without judgement!
I want to have one of those false pregnancies/phantom pregnancies/whatever I read about in an Oliver Sacks book so I can have the boobs but not the baby. They say if you really, really want a child, or really, really don't, it could happen!