
I think you mean Secretary of Nagriculture.

I've always just assumed that whatever Pam, and in turn Ray, wanted to do to Cyril in "Paternity Suit" would naturally have been thwarted by him being unconscious from heroin injections, alcohol, and a bonk on the head, and down at least a liter of blood. Cyril's only really got one asset that anybody's interested in.

Because I love you all so much and it's almost Valentine's Day, here are all the horrible confessions:
"I'm part of a secret society. We hunt men for sport."
"I've had a yeast infection for ten years!"
"Sometimes I just put the mail down the storm drain."
"I called in a bomb threat once 'cause I heard Mark Harmon was

Any time I read something about Mr. Rogers, I always think back to the thread on announcing his death, and one particular comment that has always stuck with me, regarding the mild controversy over him being asked to give the 2002 commencement address at Dartmouth (the text of the speech is available online,

I've also got to give a little love to the dramatic climax scene, as witnessed on the jumbo-tron… and also immediately above it and to the left. I just thought it was great to have this big "oh, we've got to get the camera on this so the audience can see!" and then have the entire thing be completely visible to the

Linda: "Don't say that!"

I'm kind of surprised Leslie wasn't striking a pose for Alta Vista Earth.

Yeah, Archer does inspire the handles :)

I don't know how it could have failed- the entirety of the joke was that his character's name on The Wire was "Bubbles," and he explained that the the video's viewer. If they'd just had Andre Royo talking about bubbles, then that might have been subtle enough to miss.

I also liked her regularly deadpan "Wait, wait, back it up. Dad had some exciting news."

I love me a good screamy bedtime story.

I'm gonna go with… Walter wakes up with Skyler's head in his bed.

So named because it was the goblin-king Golfimbul who got his head knocked off at the Battle of the Greenfields. Lord of the Rings Online has taught me so much.

So named because it was the goblin-king Golfimbul who got his head knocked off at the Battle of the Greenfields. Lord of the Rings Online has taught me so much.

Thorin and Balin explicitly discuss it while they're in Bag End- the dwarves that answered his call are tinkers, toymakers, and such, with just a few actual warriors- most notably both Balin and Dwalin (who are old).

Thorin and Balin explicitly discuss it while they're in Bag End- the dwarves that answered his call are tinkers, toymakers, and such, with just a few actual warriors- most notably both Balin and Dwalin (who are old).

Even Simon, who ended up being the bravest and most heroic of them all, was unashamedly portrayed as a genuinely creepy dude for his first several appearances. I remember thinking that an American sitcom would immediately have softened him by giving him some redeeming characteristics so we know he's a "good guy" but

Even Simon, who ended up being the bravest and most heroic of them all, was unashamedly portrayed as a genuinely creepy dude for his first several appearances. I remember thinking that an American sitcom would immediately have softened him by giving him some redeeming characteristics so we know he's a "good guy" but

"I'm in the bathroom. Where are you?"

"I'm in the bathroom. Where are you?"