G-REX!! G-Rex! g-.. ..-rex?

Eviction moratoriums just ended, too. Because just what we need is a bunch of people becoming homeless in Fall/Winter with the delta variant looking for any opportunity to explode infection rates... 🤦‍♂️

I was young once. I never talked like that. It’s a tool trait, not a youth trait.

If the wager was $5,000, it’s not a $10,000 match, it’s a $5,000 match. You don’t count it twice.

There are faster and more gratifying ways to lose ten grand. (Like donating it to a family in imminent risk of becoming homeless because life sucks. Oh, did that example sound overly-specific? 🤔)

says the person spending his time commenting on a minute part of a story that bothers him

I’m instantly unimpressed by any “speed run” that involves using exploits, bugs and glitches.  Thats not running through the game super fast with skill. Thats skipping the game real fast with exploits.

Why in godz name would you not put the code for this level in the text of your article?

To be fair, this piece is about pics posted to dating profiles. While there are certainly good reasons (as you’ve mentioned) for balding guys to wear a hat indoors and out, there are plenty of opportunities to take a pic without the hat as well, so there’s no excuse to not have even one “honest” shot to use for this…

Try to look a little more homeless, people will try their hardest to ignore you.

It's funny you mention this. I remember being a teen and jogging early in the morning. I know my skin is a threat to people so I try to be polite as possible. I remember passing by one older white lady and trying to be nice I gave her a little extra room smiled and kindly said hello. A few minutes later a police car…

Ive been stopped by cops for playing Ingress, but they only asked a few questions and let me on my way. They didn’t even get out of their cars. Someone did call them on me, but I was walking around a quiet city neighborhood at 2am. All this while being very much white, which is to say, I was never in any real danger,…

It's intentionally bad.