Congrats! Best of luck.
Congrats! Best of luck.
Haha, well good thing I finished my pediatrics residency 3 years ago!
To be honest, I didn't want children, the wife talked me into it. Like a lot of people, I thought it was all dirty diapers and midnight feedings. I was wrong. I regret that we started so late (I was 43, my wife 39). Kids are really fun and rewarding.
You seem angry. Are you angry?
The saddest part of it all was that I didn't think it was all that wrong/unbalanced until I was an adult - and it was still happening. I feel so terrible for my 5 year old self. And yours. That bananas Asian male-centric culture can go fuck itself.
it's funny that you say mom's asian, dad's black. but my mom always treated myself and my sister differently than my three brothers. my brothers could do absolutely no wrong, but when i so much didn't eat a piece of vegetable on my plate, i got locked out of my house..AT FIVE. :| asian parents...what can…
Carlos, I hope your wife has a lovely Mother's Day. The rest of you, enjoy "Defensive Spinster Day"!
My Grandma has 3 boys, just wanted one girl. She kinda resented all 3 of them.
Ugh. I totally get it. My family wouldn't let me have a car as a teenager (and, to be honest, my mother would regularly loot my bank account, so I couldn't buy one), and tried to force me to live at home in college, with the idea that my mother would drive me to classes every day. They went out of their way so that…
You will discover a love you never knew existed.
My wife and took him to Germany for two weeks last summer, to England before that and Arizona last month. Travelling with him isn't exactly like our Honeymoon in Italy, but it's still fun.
No kidding, nothing I can tell will come close to describing the amount of joy and laughter he brings to our lives.
My dad wasn't the problem in my family, he actually tried to make up for it. My mom really does treat my brother like an only child.
It's always seemed weird to me when guys have kids they don't want just to placate a spouse. It surprises me that people are willing to have kids with a partner "under duress". Do some people really believe the odds favor guys like that turning out to be good fathers?
is not that we are necessarily misanthropes... If we barely can be responsible for ourselves, why subject a little kid to that?
People like you always have cats, lots of cats.
Just call me Kreskin.
How many cats do you have?
I'm glad Whisper and the internet didn't exist for my mom's generation. They definitely never acted like any of us were the second coming or a special snowflake to our faces, imagine what they would have said in anonymity :)