
I agree. There was a brief Twitter account (that, unfortunately was deleted last night) called ‘@WhiteHouseLeak’, some young aide who claimed to be working in the administration. The last Tweet was about DACA and how Trump, Pence, and Priebus were all for it, but Bannon was trying to get Trump to change his mind.

Also, Bannon, whatever you think of him, is super smart. Trump, not so much.

That is not enough, even if you win by 3 million. Work to change laws. Work for a party. Volunteer if you can’t. Gather all your sensible conservative relatives and acquaintances (I’m sure such people exist) and persuade them to do the same for Republican party. Act up, if you won’t, some racist shithead will.

All the stars for you.

Yeah, I have Paul Ryan and Ron Johnson. The odds of those two flipping are snowball-in-hell level.

Tell me about it. I live in DC—we have no congressional representation at all, except for one “delegate” in the House, Eleanor Holmes Norton, who is beloved here, but not allowed to actually vote on legislation.

If that person isn’t your rep, s/he isn’t going to care what you have to say. So keep thanking your Rep—and your Senators—and thank them when they get it right.

It also pisses me off that they want us to accept Trump (calling us sore losers) after they spent the past 8 years saying that Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya.

It gets reinstated and repealed every time the parties change power, so no shocker here (and especially with a VP like Pence).

I know how you feel. Yesterday when I was with all those amazing people from every walk of life, it was such a positive, warm and familiar feeling. Familiar because this is the America I have known all my life: inclusive, loving, accepting and determined. I will be on top of every unjust and inhumane bill this

This is why women should be in charge of public affairs.

They are, but nobody really resists anymore. They’ve just kind of accepted it - he’ll win and more of the same will continue. It’s like what happened with Pussy Riot. The prevailing attitude among the Russians I know was largely “well, what did they expect to happen?” Whether they agreed with them was beside the

It seems like we need these shakeups every few generations to rattle us out of complacency. In the past, social upheaval has been followed by an expansion of civil liberties and prosperity for a while, then the tide moves back out (but not as far out as it was before), and we start again. That’s what I’m hoping will

1. Yes it is.

So I guess you think Trump is the Number One Goldwater trickle-down Republican, and the reporters at the press concert engaged in yellow journalism.

I saw a lot of this in South Korea, China and Japan too.

My wife is a primarily Russian-speaking ethnic Lithuanian (IT’S COMPLICATED). Her Russian friends are all amazed at how helpful I am around the house, how much time I spend doing chores, and how much I’m involved in child-rearing, even though I’m not really much better than a typical college-educated American man in

Patriarch Kirill wrote a couple years back that the Soviet Union was a more Christian society than the US and Western Europe, mostly because it was viciously homophobic.