He wants to ride in the big boy fire truck, and maybe they’ll let him play with the siren!
“Я тебе дам спойлер прямо в сердце!”
For once, this is absolutely an “AN EIGHTH GRADER COULD WRITE THIS!” essay. Usually people say that about things like Trump, but this essay actually reads like eighth grade writing— there are clear points that he’s trying to make, but the logic has huge, gaping holes, and there a lot of speculation and not a lot of…
Definitely have been in the pessimistic funk that this article seems to be coming out of...narratives can be a powerful tool, but tenuously effective, and not effective at all when the storytellers’ own allies tear them down. Why do progressives always have to backseat drive us all into a wall?
While I agree that transwomen belong in women’s prisons, the analogies to racism and segregation don’t necessarily hold up. As someone who has been raped and assaulted, I find all the new non gendered bathrooms really triggering. My brain says, “this is ultimately good,” and my body says “freeze now/protect yourself”…
Yes, as much as I adore palace intrigue, I do hope the film highlights Catherine’s substantive accomplishments, of which there were many.
She was perhaps more vivacious than lovely, but still attractive in her youth. But she was said to have pretty hair and a nice smile. She grew fat with age, and toward the end, she took up two seats at the theater. But thanks to her position and renowned generosity, she almost never wanted for hot, twenty-something…
I’m worried for our country and this ongoing denigration of decency as well as institutions.
Lawyer here. God yes! Fucking read the contract!!
At least the mom isn’t named Gravity (for another 25 years or so?)
Yeah I definitely think she was that personality type that you’re talking about and the hate she got for that was the most painful thing to watch. Even men I knew hated on her so much. I have a similar personality type, it made me realise they would hate me just as much if I had been in her position. Honestly, this…
I would like to give this comment all the stars!
That is exactly how I feel. I asked this acquaintance if he wasn’t going to criticize Bernie not even a little bit for not being successful at reaching out to black voters the same way she wasn’t successful at reaching out to poor white voters from the Midwest. He went on a rand about the Hillary supporters painting…
God, this. I have a Dem friend who won’t shut up about how she was a “deeply flawed” candidate for reasons that “had nothing to do with sexism.” Which...isn’t true. It’s just not.
I feel I need to remind that no matter what this goes both ways. Just like there are plenty butthurt BernieBros out there, there are just as many Clinton supporters who think she was perfect and completely infallible.
And they seem to forget, in their blind hate of all things Hillary, that he LOST. Without even arguing whether she was a good candidate or not, he lost to the woman that was so “horrible”. Like, he wasn’t even good enough then to be considered the better choice when the people were given a choice.
First of all, lol at your many attempts to make sure the Sanders people don’t flame you. Good luck with that.
THANK YOU. Totally agree with you.